Chapter 107

After Liu Ruqin finished speaking, everyone in the room suddenly looked at Chu Yunxi with strange eyes.

That's right, no one in the Yanling Prince's Mansion likes this woman, and it's meaningless for Miss Biao to frame her for something.

So the princess is simply nonsense.

Chu Yunxi ignored the people around him, but looked at Liu Ruqin and said, "Then you mean that I pushed you into the lotus pond."

Liu Ruqin thought about it weakly and said: "Maybe my cousin didn't mean it, you were just angry and started arguing with me, maybe you missed it."

After Liu Ruqin finished speaking, Yan Xueying was the first to call out: "Cousin, you are so kind-hearted, and you still excuse this woman at this time, she will not accept it at all."

Lin Qiucheng also looked down at Liu Ruqin disapprovingly: "Junior Sister, your heart is just too kind."

In the room, everyone said that Liu Ruqin was kind and magnanimous, but Chu Yunxi, on the other hand, stared at her dissatisfied.

Chu Yunxi ignored others, still looked at Liu Ruqin firmly and said, "Then can I trouble Miss Liu with something? Can you accompany me to act out the scene at that time? The scene reappears."

Liu Ruqin looked at Chu Yunxi who was clearly in a desperate situation, but remained calm, and couldn't help but feel uneasy. She quickly looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Biao sister-in-law, forget it, I don't want you Daoqian anymore, this matter is up to you." That's all."

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Lin Qiucheng and said, "Brother, let's leave this matter alone, please, I don't want my cousin and sister-in-law to get along."

This once again made everyone feel good about her, and they all lamented that people are different. Miss Biao is such a capable and kind-hearted person, she didn't become the princess of Yanling Palace, and Chu Yunxi was so ugly. It's really infuriating that an incompetent and sinister person has become the princess of Yanling Palace.

Chu Yunxi ignored others, but persistently looked at Liu Ruqin and said, "Miss Liu, I am asking you and me to evolve the situation at that time. Don't you dare? If you dare not, then it's you Deliberately planting dirt to frame me."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Xueying yelled angrily in the main hall: "Enough, Chu Yunxi, you really don't want to give face. My cousin has already said that you don't care about it. You still have more to do."

Chu Yunxi turned her head to look at Yan Xueying, her eyes were sharp and sinister, at this moment she couldn't tell how much she hated Yan Xueying.

Although she didn't want to see Yan Xueying before, she didn't dislike it so much, but at this moment she was full of disgust.

Let this woman wait for her.

Chu Yunxi thought about the old concubine who was looking up and said: "If Miss Liu dare not reproduce the scene with me, it means that she was planted to frame me."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the old concubine became angry. She turned to look at Liu Ruqin and said, "Qin'er, you and her should rehearse the situation at that time, so that she can be convinced."

After finishing speaking, the old concubine looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Qin'er can accompany you to rehearse the situation at that time, but if you can't prove your innocence, you have to humble yourself to Qin'er."

At this moment, the old concubine hates Chu Yunxi unspeakably, she is really a shit stick, the Yanling Palace is originally peaceful and peaceful, but this woman will cause trouble as soon as she enters the Yanling Palace.

Liu Ruqin was naturally indescribably happy seeing her aunt's dislike for Chu Yunxi,

Although practicing with Chu Yunxi made her slightly uneasy, but she thought about it and felt that it was nothing serious. Anyway, no one saw it, and even if Chu Yunxi had ten mouths, she couldn't explain it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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