Chapter 1086 Anger
After Xing Haoyang finished his sentence, he ordered the subordinates below: "Go, bring the steward of Lu Wangfu."

The butler of Prince Lu's Mansion was quickly brought up. The old butler was injured in many places, so he was brought here while holding his breath.

Xing Haoyang asked the old housekeeper: "Tell me, have you heard anything before?"

When Xing Haoyang asked, the old housekeeper burst into tears. He struggled and said in a choked voice: "As soon as those people appeared, they bombarded the mansion with their energy, and all the people in the mansion were killed. .”

"I was also kicked out and was seriously injured. Those people were worried when they saw that we were dead, so they came to search again. I tried my best, and while those people were picking up the corpse, I picked it up. I took one of them's waist card, and then lay down in the pile of dead people with a sigh of relief. Those people saw that they were all dead, so they got together to talk. I heard some of them say that King Lu was clearly looking for death, so he dared to look for it. The troubles of our prince and princess don't even look at what I am."

The old butler said nothing, and wept bitterly again.

The testimony of the steward of the Prince Lu's Mansion immediately sparked discussion among the people in front of the Dali Temple.

Before they thought that King Yan and Princess Yan would not kill King Lu's family, but now that the witnesses are in front of them, they couldn't help but believe it.

The common people started discussing together.

"Could it be that King Yan and Princess Yan really did it out of embarrassment?"

"It's also possible that King Yan and Princess Yan are currently in charge of the 20 Yan family army. They have extraordinary abilities, so it's not surprising that they would do such a thing."

"I'm sorry for the people in Prince Lu's mansion."

Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng acted as if they hadn't heard what the people said.

Xing Haoyang, Minister of Dali Temple, had a hint of complacency on his face, and looked at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi with contempt.

Now let's see how you flaunt it.

Xing Haoyang said quickly: "Prince Yan, Concubine Yan, what do you have to say?"

Yan Heng raised his eyebrows, glanced at the old housekeeper of Prince Lu's mansion, and said, "What if this person is bribed to frame the king and the concubine?"

As soon as Yan Heng finished speaking, before the senior minister of Dali Temple had time to speak, several figures hurried in outside the gate of Dali Temple.

The person in front turned out to be Zhao Minxin's mother.

When Mrs. Zhao got up in the morning, she got the news and passed out. Now that she woke up, she brought people to Dali Temple.

As soon as she came in, she pointed at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi with trembling hands and cursed.

"You are really crazy, honest people like my daughter and son-in-law, how could you kill them. You must know that my granddaughter is only four years old."

The more Mrs. Zhao thought about it, the more sad she became, and she cried until she was heartbroken.

Yan Heng's face was indescribably cold, and his eyes were full of anger.

On one side, Chu Yunxi looked at Mrs. Zhao, and said unhurriedly, "Mrs. Zhao, can you scold me after the case is cleared up?"

Mrs. Zhao didn't care about these things. At this time, she had lost her mind because of her daughter's death, and pointed at Chu Yunxi and cursed: "You are a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions. You usually put on a hypocritical face. A person who can't be more ruthless, if you are really kind, how could you kill my daughter."

Madam Zhao scolded Yan Heng, Yan Heng could bear it, but she could not bear it when she scolded Chu Yunxi.

His cold eyes reflected a fierce light and shot straight at Mrs. Zhao.

Seeing that Yan Heng was about to get angry, Chu Yunxi quickly stretched out his hand to hold him, turned to look at Dali Temple Secretary Xing Haoyang, and said, "Master Xing, are you going to condemn me and the lord based on the words of this old housekeeper alone?" ?"

(End of this chapter)

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