Chapter 1087 Counterattack
Xing Haoyang looked at the two people at the bottom, and felt that these two people were too difficult to deal with. They obviously had personal and special certificates, and these two people could still question him calmly.

This mentality is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Xing Haoyang looked at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi thoughtfully and said, "In fact, when you sent people to kill the family of Lu Wangfu, you missed one person. She was Lu Wang's concubine Qian Shi. When she found out that someone had entered the Lu Mansion, she panicked and hid in a large water tank in the back kitchen of the Wang Mansion."

After Xing Haoyang finished his sentence, he ordered abruptly towards the outside: "Bring Mrs. Qian in."

The petite and exquisite Qian Shi was quickly brought in, but at this moment, her face was pale, her body was shaking non-stop, obviously frightened.

As soon as she saw Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, she knelt down in fright, not daring to look at them.

When Xing Haoyang asked her, she was at a loss for words.

"Dang, dang, I was hiding in the, water, water tank, and heard those people say, say, say, if you dare to oppose our Yan family, you are, you are looking for death."

After Qian's words fell, the people outside Dali Temple were in an uproar, but these people did not dare to reprimand Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi loudly, but murmured softly.

In short, it was said that Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were insane, ruthless, did not take human life seriously, did not take the royal family seriously, and said that the people in the Yan Palace seemed to have a heart of disobedience.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi's faces were covered with a layer of frost. Although they were sure to fight back, they were still very angry when they heard the people's non-discriminatory comments behind them.

On the other hand, Princess Lu Su Minxin's mother was still yelling at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

"You are really vicious and devoid of conscience."

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned her head abruptly and knelt down to look up at Xing Haoyang and pleaded: "Master Xing, please make the decision for my daughter and son-in-law, and enter the palace to ask the Holy Spirit to issue an order to severely punish the evil thieves."

Xing Haoyang looked down at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, and a smug smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He was about to speak when Chu Yunxi opened his mouth.

"Mr. Xing, you have searched so many personal and physical evidences. In fact, we also have some personal and physical evidences in our hands. Now, please take a look at the personal and physical evidences in our hands."

Chu Yunxi was afraid of further delay, Yan Heng was going to kill someone, so she hurriedly spoke.

After she finished speaking, Xing Haoyang's heart sank, there must be some changes.

But he really didn't dare to forcibly convict Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, Xing Haoyang looked at Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi ignored him, she clapped her hands, and outside Dali Temple, several figures walked in, and one of the people in front knelt down with a plop as soon as she entered.

"My lord, the little girl is Bai Rong, the maidservant of Princess Lu. Bai Rong has met your lord."

When Bai Rong opened his mouth, not only the superior Mr. Xing, but Mrs. Su and the people outside were all surprised.

Didn't it mean that all the members of Prince Lu's House are dead?

"Didn't you say that they are all dead? Why isn't this person dead?"

"Yeah, what's going on here? Why is this maid in the hands of Yan Wang's mansion."

"Could it be that she joined forces with outsiders to kill King Lu and Princess Lu?"

Mrs. Zhao naturally also heard the discussion outside, her eyes were sharp and ferocious, she stared at Bai Rong fiercely and shouted: "Bitch, is it you, is it that you combined with others to kill my Minxin?"

(End of this chapter)

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