Chapter 1100
In the bedroom, everyone looked at the Holy Majesty with strange expressions, and then at the Empress.

Yan Heng looked at Fang Zhishu and said in a deep voice: "If there is any problem with the saint, the empress will never be blamed for it."

Fang Hongwen, Marquis of Guangyang, no longer had the high spirits he had before. If something happened to the queen, the Fang family would be in trouble too.

Fang Hongwen looked at Chu Yunxi nervously and asked, "Does Princess Yan have a cure?"

Chu Yunxi looked at Yu Wenmo who was on the soft couch, and thought about it carefully, which would be more cost-effective, whether this person died or not.

After much calculation, he decided to save this man to deal with King Xiangjun who was far away in Nanyang.

Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye is much more difficult to deal with than Yuwenmo, and if she says she can't save her, no one else will believe her.

Chu Yunxi thought about it and said slowly, "I will try my best."

At this time, everyone no longer cared about the matter of the Queen's assassination of the Holy Lord, and the most important thing is that the Holy Lord can wake up now.

"Princess Yan, please wake up the Holy Majesty."

"Princess Yan is very fortunate."

Several court ministers in the bedroom were so polite to Chu Yunxi that even Queen Fang Zhishu didn't dare to say anything.

Just at this time, someone rushed in from outside and quickly reported: "My lord, the grand lady bit her tongue and committed suicide because she couldn't take it anymore."

In the dormitory, Fang Zhishu listened to the soldier's report, and his eyes flashed relaxed.

Xing Haoyang was not in the mood to try the case at this time either, he looked at his subordinates and waved his hands and said: "Leave this matter alone, wait until the Holy One wakes up."

In the dormitory, Chu Yunxi began to heal Yu Wenmo. Although the queen's sword hurt the veins next to Yu Wenmo's heart, but fortunately it didn't hurt the heart. If it hurt the heart, even the god Da Luo couldn't save him.

Chu Yunxi used silver needles to repair the meridians of the saint, and then released the congestion in the meridians. Finally, she prescribed a decoction and ordered someone to catch it and put it in the soup bath for the saint to soak. This can also repair the heart meridians.

When everything was done, it was already late at night, because the majesty hadn't woken up yet, so the queen asked Chu Yunxi to rest in the palace next to Fengyang Palace, so that someone could call Chu Yunxi if something happened to the majesty at night.

Although Chu Yunxi was worried about Fang Zhishu's tricks, she was not particularly worried because of Yan Heng's presence.

The queen did not stop Yan Heng from staying, but arranged for someone to take them to rest.

Right now, all the Queen's thoughts seem to be on the Holy Majesty, and she dare not be careless.

In Guangling Palace, Chu Yunxi called Yeluxie, Long Yuan and others from the dark to come out and let them rest in the side hall of Guangling Palace instead of staying in the dark all the time.

Yeluxie and Long Yuan didn't say much, and now that Yan Heng was by Chu Yunxi's side, they weren't worried.

After everyone left, Yan Heng lay on the bed with Chu Yunxi in his arms to rest.

The two always felt that there was something wrong with what happened tonight.

Chu Yunxi frowned and said: "I think they held back a big move this time, and it shouldn't end so easily, so we have to be careful."

"Well, don't worry, I will protect you."

Yan Heng stretched out her arms and hugged Chu Yunxi tightly, patting her on the back lovingly: "Sleep, don't worry, I will take care of everything."

At twilight, the urgent dispatches from eight hundred li were delivered to the palace, and the Chongzhou pirates went ashore to burn, kill, and rob the local people, causing complaints from the people. Many of them, in order to escape the pursuit of the pirates, He even escaped from his homeland. If this continues, Chongzhou may become an empty city, so the prefect of Chongzhou rushed to Beijing with an urgent [-]-mile dispatch, asking the Holy One to immediately send troops to Chongzhou to suppress those pirates.

(End of this chapter)

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