Chapter 1101 Let’s go back to the Northwest
In the palace, the Holy Majesty was in a coma, and the urgent case was sent to the Queen's Fengyang Palace. Before dawn, the Queen called the ministers of the court into the palace to discuss how to deal with this matter.

In the end, everyone agreed that Prince Yan would bring [-] elite soldiers to Chongzhou to hide the bandits, and they must get rid of those pirates.

In the main hall of Fengyang Palace, Yan Heng's face was covered with frost, and his eyes were indescribably cold.

At a time like this, he had to suspect that the empress deliberately wanted to transfer him out of the capital so that he could take advantage of the opportunity to plot against Xi'er.

How could he do what she wanted?

Yan Heng was about to speak, but Chu Yunxi on the side reached out and took his hand and squeezed it.

As the God of War prince of Dongchen, Yan Heng couldn't resist going to Chongzhou's nest to destroy the pirates.

If he refuses, all the credit he has done in the past will be wiped out.

The sea bandits in Chongzhou had aroused great resentment from the people. At this time, the people were eager for the imperial court to send people to suppress them. Now they were sent to Yan Heng, but Yan Heng refused to go.

But they couldn't give any legitimate reason why they couldn't go, so if Yan Heng didn't go, it would arouse the wrath of the people.

Yan Heng naturally knew this reason, but he was worried when he thought of leaving Chu Yunxi alone in the palace.

Chu Yunxi naturally also suspected that the queen's actions were likely to calculate her, but the other party's methods were very sophisticated, and they were completely speechless.

Chu Yunxi approached Yan Heng sideways, and said in a low voice: "You go, I will be careful, did you forget that Brother Huang is protecting me in the dark? I will be fine."

After listening to Chu Yunxi's words, Yan Heng looked up at the queen who was sitting on the phoenix chair.

The queen looked at him with a gentle face, as if she really just asked him to lead the troops to Chongzhou to nest the bandits.

In the main hall, many people looked at him, Yan Heng slowly got up and clasped his fists and said: "The minister leads the order."

He planned to let people pretend to be himself when he left the capital, and then he would quietly rush back to the capital, leaving the affairs of Chongzhou to his subordinates to deal with, isn't it just to kill pirates?
Just as Yan Heng was thinking, Fang Zhishu, who was at the head, said unhurriedly: "Ge Lang, the right servant of the Ministry of War, listens to the order, this time you assist Prince Yan to go to Chongzhou, you must destroy the pirates in Chongzhou It has to be clean."

Ge Lang immediately got up and responded: "I obey the order."

Others in the hall didn't have any ideas, but Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi secretly became vigilant.

The queen dispatched the right servant of the Ministry of War to Yan Heng's side, probably to monitor Yan Heng and prevent him from returning to Beijing without authorization.

She said it more clearly what she was going to do.

Yan Heng's face was so gloomy, he held and released his fingers, released and held again, really wanted to stand up and fight against Fang Zhishu.

But Chu Yunxi held out his hand and comforted him, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Yan Heng turned his head to look at Chu Yunxi, thinking fiercely, he has decided that this time he will never stay in Dongchen's capital again, he will take Xi'er and his concubine to the northwest, and he will never Returning to Beijing, even if the emperor ordered him to be transferred, he would not return to Beijing.

The faces of these people in Beijing are really disgusting.

Yan Heng was making up his mind secretly, a gloomy light flashed in Fang Zhishu's eyes above him, and he stared fiercely at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi who were below him.

If they dare to harm her father, she will not let them go.

Fang Zhishu thought about it and said in a deep voice: "King Yan, you and Ge Lang immediately go to the camp where you are stationed and gather [-] soldiers and horses to go to Chongzhou. I am afraid that if you go late, those people will be killed even more. "

(End of this chapter)

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