Chapter 1119 Seeking Your Majesty
Chu Yunzhao didn't know about the resentment in this Naizi's hand, so he still smiled and said, "Your hand is shaking, is that knife heavy?"

The executioner felt more and more distressed, what a cute little baby, God, how could he have the heart to do it.

On the execution stage, Xing Haoyang looked at the people in front of the execution stage and scanned his surroundings.

Today's so-called Meridian Gate Wenzhan is actually trying to lure Yan Heng to appear, and capturing Yan Heng is the real purpose of today.

If Yan Heng is not caught, I'm afraid there will be troubles later.

Xing Haoyang stretched out his hand to touch the beheading order while thinking, Yan Heng, why hasn't he appeared yet, is he really going to watch Yan's family be beheaded?

He didn't believe that Yan Heng was such a ruthless person. Xing Haoyang felt the chopping order while thinking and threw it down. At this moment, there was a change in the air in front of him. On the chopping stage.

As soon as the person landed, he shouted coldly: "Stop."

Xing Haoyang couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw the person coming, and immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Come here, take down the evil thief."

Dozens of figures shot out from all around, surrounding Yan Heng and the few people behind him.

Seeing this posture, the people outside the supervisory stage retreated one after another, but because there were so many people watching the excitement today, they pushed forward and back, and finally many people were pushed to the ground, and others stepped on it regardless. Walk.

The scene was once extremely chaotic.

On the execution stage, Yan Heng looked at Xing Haoyang with a deep expression and said: "This king wants to see the Holy Majesty and the Empress, you send someone into the palace to invite the Holy Majesty and the Empress to come over, if you see the Holy Majesty and the Empress, After this king has finished saying what he should say, he will never move his hand again and let the Holy Majesty and the empress dispose of it."

Xing Haoyang's face changed, but he didn't agree: "You want to lure the emperor and empress to kill them, don't you? You're dreaming."

Yan Heng looked at Xing Haoyang with a sneer and said, "Do you think they can win this king? Also, if this king fights with them, many people will be killed or injured today. Does the Holy One not care about the people at all? "

"As the Holy Majesty of Dongchen, he is naturally sympathetic to the people. I think if Mr. Xing goes to the palace to invite the Holy Majesty and the Empress, they will definitely show up."

The common people below had stopped commotion, they all shouted when they heard Yan Heng's words: "Please Your Majesty and Empress."

"Yeah, we don't want to die."

Right now these common people are crowded and it is impossible to get out. Prince Yan has clearly said that as long as the Holy Majesty and the Empress appear, he will not do anything.

Seeing Xing Haoyang still not moving, Yan Heng said with a sneer: "As the emperor of Dongchen, my lord is protected by many masters around him. Is he still afraid that this king will do something to him?"

Xing Haoyang thinks about it like this, and if he doesn't go to the palace to report, Yan Heng fights with these people and hurts the common people, and the common people will definitely blame the Holy Majesty.

So let's go into the palace and ask the Holy Majesty for instructions.

Xing Haoyang immediately pointed to the Shaoqing of Dali Temple and told him to go to the palace immediately to report to the Holy Majesty that Lord Yan wanted to see him and the empress.

When the news was reported to the palace, Yu Wenmo didn't want to show up, but when he heard the Shaoqing of Dali Temple talk about the situation at the Meridian Gate, he knew that he had to show up, and if he didn't show up, the people might scold him to death.

He just got rid of his notoriety now, so he doesn't want to get any more notoriety.

What's more, even if Yan Heng had the skill of a seventh-rank Martial King, he wouldn't be able to destroy him in one fell swoop. There are many masters behind him to protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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