Chapter 1120 Seems like I saw a ghost
After Yu Wenmo and Fang Zhishu appeared, the Meridian Gate was extremely quiet for a while.

Yu Wenmo looked at Yan Heng with a sneer and said, "Okay, I have appeared, just say what you have to say, but I hope you will care about the common people, don't do anything casually, and obediently grab your hands, I think you will do it for me." Dong Chen made great contributions and gave you a whole body so that you won't die so painfully."

Yu Wenmo looked at Yan Heng on the opposite side with pity, Yan Heng's eyes showed a mocking look, and Yu Wenmo's heart sank when he saw him like this.

On the opposite side, Yan Heng has already asked a question: "I would like to ask your majesty, you said that my concubine gave the queen a magic drug to make the queen do something to you. Did the courtiers in the court make a move?"

With a dark look in Yu Wenmo's eyes, he replied in a deep voice: "I didn't say this, but Princess Yan confessed it. Apart from these, you have done many things, and Princess Yan confessed them all."

Yan Heng sneered, walked up to the disheveled woman in prison clothes, looked down at her and said, "Did your lord say that this person is my concubine?"

The uneasiness in Yu Wenmo's heart increased, but under the eyes of everyone, he could only respond and said: "Yes, she is Princess Yan."

Anyway, the real Princess Yan is already dead, and this woman was also bruised all over her body, and her face was covered with wounds. The most important thing is that she passed out, so even Yan Heng would not be able to tell that this woman is not Chu Yunxi that woman.

After listening to the words of the Holy Majesty, Yan Heng said: "So the Holy Majesty means that this woman first targeted the Queen and then the Holy Majesty, and also said that all the things before were done by the King and the Princess?"

Yu Wenmo said with gloomy eyes: "That's right."

The corner of Yan Heng's mouth widened into a smile, he turned his head and called out warmly in midair, "Xi'er."

A light and shadow shot from behind the crowd, and stood on the high platform in a buoyant manner.

This woman was dressed in a sky lake blue brocade dress, and her face was set off by the light blue color like a beautiful jade. Her brows and eyes were leisurely, and her gestures were full of elegance and elegance.

As soon as she landed on the high platform, someone from the audience exclaimed.

"God, Princess Yan."

"It's really Princess Yan."

"My god, what's going on here? Could it be that someone pretended to be Princess Yan and did these things."

"It seems to be true, so Yan Wang and Yan Wangfei did nothing."

"Amitabha, King Yan and Princess Yan are fine, they are fine."

Compared with the excitement of the common people, Yu Wenmo and Fang Zhishu on the high platform opened their eyes wide, looking at Chu Yunxi as if they saw a ghost.

Didn't this woman die in a secret passage?
Both ends of the secret passage were sealed, and thick poisonous smoke was poured in. Why didn't she die, she was still alive.

The pupils of Yu Wenmo and Fang Zhishu kept shrinking, but they were followed by strong ruthlessness. Fang Zhishu's eyes were so vicious that he wished he could rush over and devour Chu Yunxi to relieve his hatred.

However, Chu Yunxi bowed to Yu Wenmo neither humble nor overbearing: "My wife has seen the Holy Majesty and the Empress, my wife was poisoned earlier and almost died, and the people behind took this opportunity to push out such a woman to murder the Holy Majesty and the Empress." Empress, the person behind this is as vicious as a jackal, the Holy Majesty must find out this person, otherwise my Dongchen country will be in chaos."

(End of this chapter)

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