Chapter 1150

Yan Heng said with a smile: "I have already received the news. That person is probably King Ning of Xixue, the twelfth son of King Xixue Ning of the late emperor, the youngest son of the late emperor. The older one was raised by the emperor of Xixue, it can be said that this younger brother is more favored by the emperor than his sons, but this Prince Ning doesn't like government affairs, he usually likes to travel in the mountains and rivers."

"The reason why he was injured this time, I'm afraid it's because the princes of the Xixue royal family were angry."

"How is this man's character?"

"There are no bad habits, and there are no messy women in the palace."

Yan Heng knew what Chu Yunxi was most concerned about, so he added this one specially, and Chu Yunxi's face really looked much better, so let him stay by Wan'er's side.

But if they go back to Beijing, she still asks Wan'er to take him back to Xianyu Peak instead of living here.

Chu Yunxi thought about calling the maid beside her to call Wan'er and Chu Yunzhao over.

The two came very quickly, so Chu Yunxi told them that they were going back to Beijing, and told the two of them to bring someone back to Xianyu Peak immediately, and not to come out easily.

The two agreed, but both looked at Chu Yunxi worriedly.

"Cousin, when will you come back?"

"Yes, sister, when are you coming back?"

Chu Yunxi looked at them with a smile and said, "I'll come back when I'm done. Don't worry, we won't stay in the capital."

"Hey, that's fine."

Wan'er and Chu Yunzhao clapped each other's hands and cheered. The mentally handicapped man on the side of the main hall became unhappy, looked at Wan'er and stretched out his hand and said, "Sister, I want it too."

There were black lines on Wan'er's face, but she could only raise her hand to hit him, otherwise he would be in trouble for a long time.

Seeing their appearance, Chu Yunxi laughed, "Okay, pack up and go back to Xianyu Peak."

"Okay," the three of them went out, packed up and went back to Xianyu Peak. Here, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi went to talk to the old concubine again. The two of them first returned to the capital with golden feather carvings, and the subordinates returned to the capital on horseback. .

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi rushed to the capital and found that the capital was in chaos. In the court hall, the courtiers were even more chaotic. The ministers were divided into three major factions, each of which selected a child from the branch of Yuwen's family to succeed him as the new emperor.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi looked at the mess in front of them, they couldn't help raising their eyebrows, they really wanted to ask the dead Yuwen Lingtian to get up and have a look, is this the result you want?
In the main hall, Yan Heng shouted in a thunderous voice: "Stop."

He used Yuanli to cultivate this sound, so the sound exploded in the hall like thunder, and everyone stopped talking now.

Everyone looked at the people in front of the palace gate, and when they saw that it was Yan Heng, they all subconsciously stopped their movements.

Yan Heng, stationed in the northwest, is in charge of the 20 Yan family army in his hands. At this time, his words carry the greatest weight.

So when the ministers in the hall saw Yan Heng clearly, they rushed to his side, and then someone spoke first.

"Prince Yan has returned to the capital. My lord, my lord, let me tell you, this child is called Yu Wenheng. He is seven years old this year. He is three years old and four years old and he is capable of martial arts. He has already gathered his strength."

"My lord, my lord, look at this young man, he is ten years old this year, not only intelligent, but what is his cultivation level?"

Yan Heng's head grew dizzy when he heard that, he looked up at the crowd below, and said coldly: "Everyone be quiet, if you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for severe punishment."

(End of this chapter)

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