Chapter 1151 The New Emperor
In the hall, all the ministers were silent, everyone's eyes fell on Yan Heng, and then someone suddenly remembered something and said: "What does the prince mean?"

The man didn't finish his sentence, but seemed to understand the meaning of Yan Heng's words, he knelt down with a plop and shouted: "I will pay my respects to the Holy Majesty."

All the courtiers in the hall looked at him, and he looked at you, all a little dumbfounded.

What do these mean, King Yan wants to take charge of the Yuwen family, this, this?

Everyone whispered, but after all, everyone really thought that it would be feasible for Yan Heng to take charge of Dong Chen's country.

Anyway, there are no members of Yuwen's family right now, and Yan Heng can lead Dongchen better.

So one after another, people knelt down and called the Holy One.

"Please ascend the throne, Your Majesty."

"Please ascend the throne, Your Majesty."

Yan Heng had dark lines on his face, they thought he was trying to take over Yuwen's family, Yan Heng said with a sneer.

"Do you think that this king came back to seize the power of Yuwen's family? Earlier, this king said that this king will be stationed in the northwest and will never return to Beijing. This time he will return to Beijing because there is no new king in the court, and to prevent chaos in the court. , so this king will return to Beijing."

"After the new king succeeds to the throne, this king will return to the northwest and never return to Beijing."

As soon as Yan Heng finished speaking, the people below were stunned for a moment, and then started discussing again. A bold person asked Yan Heng: "Who will make King Yan neither take the throne nor choose from members of the Yuwen family?" Ascend."

"This king doesn't choose from the Yuwen family because there is still a prince in the Yuwen family. Why should he choose someone from the direct branch to succeed him?"

"And the prince? Who? All the sons left by the Supreme Emperor are dead, even the eldest grandson of the emperor died in battle. There is no one left. The new emperor has only one princess and no princes."

Yan Heng ignored the others, but looked at an eunuch behind him and said, "Go to Rongtai Hall and order Concubine Liang to bring the little prince over, and invite Concubine Liang and the chief eunuch beside the Supreme Emperor to come here."

As soon as Yan Heng's words came out, everyone in His Highness was shocked, and they all began to discuss.

Then someone looked at Yan Heng and said, "King Yan, before you left Beijing, you didn't know that Concubine Liang gave birth to a little princess."

"Yes, it's a princess, not a prince."

"Yeah, you made a mistake."

Yan Heng ignored everyone and just looked up at the outside of the hall, while His Highness's people were talking about it.

"Could it be that Concubine Liang gave birth to a prince, but how did I hear it was a princess?"

"Yes, I also heard that Concubine Liang gave birth to a princess, why did she suddenly change?"

"what on earth is it?"

"I don't understand either."

While the ministers were discussing, Concubine Liang walked in from outside the hall holding the young prince in her arms. Behind them was an old eunuch, Chang Fu, the chief eunuch who had been serving the Supreme Emperor before.

When everyone saw Concubine Liang appearing, they subconsciously moved to her side to watch.

Only after seeing this did she realize that what Concubine Liang was holding was really a baby boy.

All of them asked in surprise, "Is it the prince that the concubine gave birth to before?"

Concubine Liang was a little embarrassed, after all, she had never dealt with such a big scene, but after hearing the questions from the ministers, she still spoke up: "That's right, I gave birth to a prince before, and because I was worried about him, I decided to give birth to a prince." He concealed his gender and said he belonged to a little princess."

After Concubine Liang's words fell, everyone in the hall got excited.

"God, Yuwen's family has a queen, it's really great, it's great."

(End of this chapter)

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