Chapter 1166 The real identity

Chu Yunxi felt that she was not thinking enough, and stared blankly at the little fox, the red demon pill was slowly slipping into its mouth.

Chu Yunxi called out subconsciously: "Zhao Zhao, Zhao Zhao."

Out of the dark clouds surrounding the two siblings, a person came out, an old man in gray clothes, but this old man looked at the two siblings lovingly.

As soon as Chu Yunxi looked up and saw him, she subconsciously stepped back: "Who are you?"

The old man in gray reported respectfully: "If you go back to the princess, I am Jing Wu, the great elder of the demon clan."

"What the hell is going on here?"

Chu Yunxi thought of the disappearance of his parents and the talent of Yuanli in himself and his younger brother, so he calmed down, his eyes were extremely cold for a moment, and he shot straight at Jing Wu, the great elder of the monster clan.

The Great Elder of the Monster Clan sighed and said: "This matter starts with your mother, your mother is the most beloved youngest daughter of the Monster King, and also the heir of my Monster Clan. The future Monster King, the Monster King of our Monster Clan Born with a demon pill, this kind of demon king grows up and is very powerful, which can protect the safety of the demon tribe."

"Later, your mother rescued a little Qingdie, treated her like a sister, and told her all the secrets of our nine-tailed demon fox. As a result, that little Qingdie and wolf king Nie Hong wiped out the nine-tailed fox family on the night of the ninth lunar month. Manmen, your grandfather and the others were all killed in order to protect your mother."

"Later your mother escaped from the demon world, but her demon power was severely damaged, so she couldn't rush back to the demon clan to take revenge, so she married your father in the human world and gave birth to you. Originally, she wanted to give birth to you. A demon king with the blood of the nine-tailed fox clan, but you are not, you are alone, so she later gave birth to your younger brother, and he is the demon king of our nine-tailed fox blood."

"Your mother was afraid that the aura on your brother's body would be discovered by the wolf king, so she used her destroyed golden core to refine a talisman to seal your brother's demon core. Only in this way can he be kept alive."

"But now that the demon core has appeared, if you don't take your brother away, the wolf king's men will arrive soon."

When Chu Yunxi heard this, she couldn't digest the words of the old man in gray for a while, but when she heard the old man said that she would take her brother away, she refused. She reached out and hugged the fiery little fox, and said firmly, "No, I will I won’t hand over Zhaozhao to you, who knows who you are, what if you kill him?”

"Princess, don't worry, I am the guardian elder of the Nine-Tailed Fox. I was seriously injured in that battle before, and I have been practicing in seclusion. After I finished my cultivation, I saw your mother."

"My mother? Where is she?"

"She was imprisoned by the wolf king Nie Hong in the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu. I met her and she asked me to bring your brother into the secret place of the Nine-Tailed Fox of the Yaozu. We must not let him fall into the hands of the wolf king."

Although the old man spoke carefully, Chu Yunxi still did not let go. She hugged the little fox tightly and shook her head: "I don't believe you."

"Princess, if the subordinate says one thing, the princess will believe the subordinate."

Chu Yunxi looked up at the elder of the monster tribe, who smiled at her and said, "The princess has your mother's super artifact Peach Blossom Formation on her body, and an ancient sword to kill demons and demons, which is left to you by your mother." Shi, because your younger brother has a demon body protection, your mother is afraid that you will be bullied, so she sealed the 36-style peach blossom formation, the sword and the remnant unicorn body in a white jade hairpin."

Chu Yunxi looked at the Great Elder of the Yaozu in surprise, and the Great Elder of the Yaozu quickly said: "Princess, your mother told me, otherwise how would I know, so you can trust me with your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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