Chapter 1167 Kill These Dog Bastards
Chu Yunxi hugged the little fox, her stomach hurt, and something seemed to flow out of her body.

She knew that her child was lost and he was gone.

Is she going to lose her brother?
There was no blood on Chu Yunxi's face.

The great elder of the Yaozu quickly stepped forward and took her hand to check her pulse, and then knew that she had lost her child.

He said sadly, "son, what are you doing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he thought of the strong man in gray outside, damn thing, he would not spare him.

The gray-clothed old man was about to stand up and teach the strong man in Beiyao country, when Chu Yunxi had already handed over the little fox in his arms to the elder of the Yaozu.

"You take Zhao Zhao away, remember, if you hurt him, I will not spare you even if I go to heaven or earth, you have to protect him."

"Yes, princess."

The great elder of the Yaozu stretched out his hand to take the little fox, and then raised his hand to disperse the dark cloud covering them.

Outside the dark clouds, everyone was staring at the situation here. The great elder of the Yaozu moved and shot out like a meteor.

The grey-clothed strongman's face changed drastically, and he raised his hand to meet the elder of the Yaozu, even though the Beiyao strongman had the skill of a first-order Martial Emperor.

However, the monster power of the great elder of the Yao clan is very powerful, so the strong Beiyao was obviously invincible, and seeing that he was invincible, he withdrew and left.

How could the Great Elder of the Monster Race let him go? He shot at him like an arrow off the string, raised his hand and slapped him fiercely from top to bottom.

With a loud bang, the strong man of Beiyao Kingdom was directly blasted into a pulp by the great elder of the monster clan.

The great elder of the Yao clan killed the strong Beiyao in the blink of an eye, and everyone's expressions changed drastically among the generals of the Beiyao Kingdom.

The people on the side of the Yan family army rushed over angrily: "Kill it."

"Kill these bastards, and treat us as easy to bully?"

"Kill them to avenge their dead brothers."

The Yan family's army went straight to the Beiyao army one by one like tigers on the mountain. The Beiyao army was timid because the strong man was killed. Now, seeing the ferocity of the Yan's army, Lost steadily.

The Yan family's army pursued and killed them all the way.

Chu Yunxi looked up at the people fighting in front of her, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked up at the sky, and slowly passed out.

Behind Qingyan Qingwu and others rushed over, shouting: "Master."

In mid-air, the Yaozu Great Elder looked back, but still cruelly hugged the little fox, turned around and left.

Because if he didn't leave, the wolf king Nie Hong would rush over, and by that time, they wouldn't be able to leave even if they wanted to.

The Great Elder of the Yaozu moved and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It has been three days since Chu Yunxi woke up again. Before she opened her eyes, she heard soft sobbing in her ears. Someone was crying beside her. She couldn't help frowning and opened her eyes. Sitting by the bed turned out to be the old princess.

The old concubine was crying sadly at this time, she looked extremely haggard, her eyes were red and swollen, when Chu Yunxi saw her, she opened her mouth to comfort her, but then she thought of the fact that Yan Heng was missing, and still Her baby was lost, and her younger brother Zhao Zhao was seriously injured by the master of the Martial Emperor Realm, and finally turned into a little fox. The elder of the demon clan said that he was a descendant of the demon king. Is all this true? ?

Thinking of all of this, Chu Yunxi also shed tears silently.

As soon as she cried, the sobbing old concubine by the bed noticed it, and when she looked up and saw Chu Yunxi was crying, she immediately took out her handkerchief to wipe her tears.

(End of this chapter)

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