Chapter 1168 Yan Heng's Identity

The old concubine coaxed her while wiping her: "Yun Xi, don't be sad, everything will be fine, there will be another child, Heng'er will come back, you believe me, he will come back, your brother will come back sooner or later." Will be back."

The old concubine didn't know much about Chu Yunzhao's affairs, but she could only comfort her in this way.

Chu Yunxi shed tears for a while, then reached out to touch her stomach, silently apologizing to the lost baby.

I'm sorry, it's my mother who didn't protect you well, I'm sorry.

Seeing that she was sad all the time, the old concubine beside the bed hurriedly called Caizhu to come in: "Caizhu, go and prepare some food for your lady. She has slept for three days, so what can she do if she doesn't eat? She has to be well." Make up for it."

Caizhu's eyes were also red, seeing the young lady like this, and thinking about the little boy who turned into a little fox for no reason, she felt very uncomfortable.

But the young lady is already suffering, and she doesn't want to make the young lady feel more uncomfortable.

Caizhu looked at Chu Yunxi on the bed and said, "Miss, you must be hungry after lying down for three days. I'll go get something to eat."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chu Yunxi to speak, she turned around and started to prepare.

In the room, Chu Yunxi had calmed down a lot. She looked up at the old concubine in front of the bed, with a flash of determination in her eyes: "Concubine mother, I plan to go to the Tianhuang Empire to find Yan Heng, and I want to find him back." Come."

As soon as she said that, the old concubine was startled, and quickly pulled her back.

"No, Yun Xi, don't go to the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, it's scary there, it's really scary."

The old princess trembled subconsciously as she spoke.

Chu Yunxi was not afraid after hearing this, but on the contrary, she heard from the words of the old princess that the old princess knew about the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, how could she know about the Heavenly Phoenix Empire.

Thinking anxiously, Chu Yunxi reached out and grabbed the old concubine's hand: "Concubine Mu, how do you know about the Phoenix Empire? Tell me, do you know what it is, and Yan Heng was taken away, are you Don't you know some clues?"

For some reason, Chu Yunxi always felt that the old princess should know something, so she anxiously pulled the old princess to ask.

The old concubine looked at her, hesitation flashed in her eyes, then she shook her head and said: "I don't know, I don't know anything, I also heard Heng'er say that the Phoenix Empire is very scary that day, so I opened my mouth out."

Seeing the hesitation of the old princess, Chu Yunxi was even more sure of what she was thinking.

The mother concubine must know something, no, she must ask.

"Mother Concubine, whether you say it or not, I will go to the Tianhuang Empire to find Yanheng. The person who captured Yanheng is in the Tianhuang Empire, so if you know about the Tianhuang Empire, you Just tell me, this will save me a lot of losses, otherwise, if I go there recklessly, I will probably suffer a loss, and even die. If Yan Heng comes back by then, how will you tell him about this matter? .”

The old concubine knew how much Yan Heng valued Chu Yunxi, after hearing what she said, she dared not hide it.

She looked at Chu Yunxi with blurred eyes and said, "Since you want to know, then I'll tell you. Don't worry, this story is actually very long. Listen to me slowly."

She cleared her throat, her flustered face became much calmer, her eyes drifted far away, and she fell into memories.

"Actually, Heng'er and I are not from Dongchen Kingdom. He and I are from the Heavenly Phoenix Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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