Chapter 1181

The beautiful woman glanced at the two elders below and said, "If there are no other good seedlings, let's end our recruitment here."

The two elders nodded in agreement: "Well, that's true."

After the three of them made an agreement, they planned to end the assessment. Chu Yunxi looked at the three of them and said quickly: "Master, two elders, please help me to see if the two of them are okay, I want to bring them together Go to the Seven Star Sect."

Chu Yunxi pointed to Longyuan and Qingyan. The beautiful woman and the two elders felt it for a while, and found that Longyuan was actually a third-rank martial king. The beautiful woman and the two elders were interested, and immediately took out a test The instrument was tested by Long Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Long Yuan's talent turned out to be quite good, the Great Elder of the Seven Star Sect immediately said with interest: "I want this seedling."

Long Yuan glanced at Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi quickly said, "Don't kneel down and call Master."

Long Yuan responded and recognized the Great Elder of the Seven Star Sect as his master.

As for Qingyan, the result of the test was not ideal. The beautiful woman glanced at Chu Yunxi and said, "Although her talent is not very good, she is not bad with her current skill. Let her follow you from now on." Let's run errands."

"Thank you, Master."

Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the master agrees to bring Qingyan into the Phoenix Empire.

As for Qingyan's talent is not good, she will refine some high-level pills for her to take in the future to help her advance.

The group talked for a while longer, and the assessment of the Seven Star Sect ended. This time, the Seven Star Sect recruited a total of fifteen disciples.

Except for Chu Yunxi's extremely high Yuanli talent, everyone else is fine, but this time the Seven Star Sect has spent a lot of money to get such a quota, it's not good to just bring a few people back, so pick and choose , selected fifteen people, plus Chu Yunxi and three people, a total of 18 people.

"Okay, from now on you are the disciples of my Seven Star Sect, we will set off to return to the Heavenly Phoenix Empire immediately."

The Sect Master of the Seven Star Sect waved his hand after speaking, and a beast cart appeared in the sky in front of them, with horns growing on both ends, like a carriage pulled by a monster that looked like a horse but not a horse.

This carriage immediately attracted a burst of excited discussion.

"God, is this a horse? Why does it have horns on its head, and its body is golden-yellow, and its ponytail looks like a fox's tail? What kind of monster is this?"

"Yeah, it's weird."

The monster pulling the cart has already opened up its wits. Hearing the discussion beside him, it directly gave those people a big roll of their eyes.

A rare bumpkin.

The Sect Master of the Seven Star Sect ignored those who spoke, glanced at Chu Yunxi and said, "Let's go."

Chu Yunxi and Qingyan followed the beautiful woman into the beast carriage, and the people behind saw them getting into the carriage and leaving, they couldn't help crying anxiously: "They left, what should we do?"

The two elders of the Seven Star Sect each summoned a beast cart, brought the recruited disciples with them, followed the beast cart in front of them, and headed straight for the teleportation formation.

The passage between the Sky Phoenix Empire and these small countries is a teleportation array, but the people of the small countries don't know where this teleportation array is, only the people of the Sky Phoenix Empire know where this teleportation array is.

The three carriages drove for half a day. In the evening, the beast carts drove to a black forest mountain range in the east of Nanyin Kingdom. This mountain range is filled with black mist all the year round. Not only are there many beasts in it, but also poisonous gas, no one dares to Casually entered the Black Forest Mountain Range, but did not expect the teleportation array of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire to be here
(End of this chapter)

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