Chapter 1182 The Fantasy World

Chu Yunxi and others followed the beautiful woman out of the car, and then followed her into the Black Forest Mountains. Many people behind her murmured in fear. .

What kind of place is this? It's scary.

Some people trembled in fright, and two or three people followed behind hand in hand.

The suzerain of the Seven Star Sect glanced casually, and saw Chu Yunxi beside him, with a calm face, graceful manners, and no timidity at all. The beautiful woman liked Chu Yunxi even more.

After they drove for a certain distance, they arrived at a certain place in the mountain range. As soon as the beautiful woman raised her hand, they saw a wave-like gate suddenly appeared in the previously empty place. The beautiful woman told the suzerain of the Seven Star Sect behind: "Give them the customs clearance jade token, one for each person, and press on the door to enter the teleportation array."

More than a dozen people quickly got the jade token for customs clearance. Everyone clicked on the portal, and the portal would open and people could enter. The inside was very spacious. After everyone came in, the beautiful woman With a wave of hand, the teleportation array was closed, and everyone only felt a whoosh, and the teleportation array started to drive rapidly, but they sat in it very smoothly, just like riding a speeding car.

There was no discomfort or discomfort. In the teleportation formation, everyone quickly chattered.

Everyone happily talked about the affairs of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire.

Chu Yunxi closed her eyes slightly to rest, Qingyan beside her was also sitting quietly, and Longyuan was sitting diagonally across from them not far away.

After a ding sound, the teleportation array stopped, and the gate of the teleportation array in front opened.

The suzerain and elders of the Seven Star Sect stood up, and ordered the people behind: "Everyone take your own customs clearance jade tokens, there will be people outside the teleportation formation to check, you just need to hand them the customs clearance jade tokens."

After everyone responded, the teleportation array opened, and there were indeed two mild-mannered old men checking outside the door. These two old men obviously knew the suzerain of the Seven Star Sect, and they were talking to her gently.

"How about this time? Are there any good seedlings?"

The head of the Seven Star Sect smiled and said, "At least I found a few."

The old man on the left smiled and said, "That's pretty good."

As he spoke, he collected the jade tokens of everyone in the teleportation formation.

After all the jade tokens were put away, the two old men and the teleportation array disappeared with a whoosh.

At this time, everyone raised their heads and looked around, and saw that the place they were in was also a mountain range, but it was the edge of the mountain range, and the forest behind them was dense, and the roar of fierce beasts sounded from time to time in the dark forest.

In front is a wide mountain road, but everyone feels that this world is completely different from the world they were in before.

The energy here is obviously much stronger, and someone in the group couldn't help muttering: "Is this the place of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire?"

"It should be. You can see that the energy between heaven and earth is obviously stronger than ours."


While everyone was talking, the suzerain of the Seven Star Sect in front had already spoken: "Alright, let's go back to the Seven Star Sect now."

Everyone boarded the animal cart as they had come, and headed all the way to the Seven Star Sect.

On the way, everyone lifted the curtain to look out from time to time, all of them were amazed, because there are many things in this place that are different from the original world. Flying, and some people fly in mid-air with flying monsters, and at a glance, it is full of fantastic scenes.

"God, it's so powerful, when can I have such a powerful monster."

"Yeah, look, look, it looks like a white crane, such a big white crane."

"Look, it looks like a spaceship. It's such a big spaceship. How can a ship fly?"

(End of this chapter)

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