Chapter 1183 Martial Arts Competition
Although Chu Yunxi was sitting in front, the excited discussions from the crowd behind her still reached her ears. The beautiful woman sitting next to her looked at her in disbelief, and said slowly, "How do you feel?"

"Crisis looms."

Yes, this place is more advanced than their original place, there are beast cars for travel, and there are all kinds of flying monsters in the air, which just shows that the strong people here are like clouds. It's not something to be happy about.

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, the beautiful woman nodded slightly: "Not bad."

After that, no one spoke anymore, and everyone rushed to the Seven Star Sect in a beast car.

six months later.

In Guhong Town, in the bamboo house of the main peak of the Seven Star Sect, voices could be faintly heard.

"Yun Xi, the annual martial arts competition is coming soon. As a teacher, I hope you can take the place of the Seven Star Sect and go to the imperial capital to participate in the martial arts competition, and strive to enter the top five sects, the Tianqing Sect, to learn more powerful martial arts and skills. You Would you like to?"

Chu Yunxi looked at the beautiful woman, her master Shen Yuqing, the head of the Seven Star Sect.

To be honest, the Seven Star Sect is an extremely small sect, occupying a small mountain peak, and there are only more than 100 disciples in it. Because of their lack of fame, they cannot recruit disciples. The following small country recruits disciples.

Because no one from the Seven Star Sect is favored by the major sects in the martial arts competition every year, so the status in Guhong Town is getting lower and lower. If no one enters the major sects this year, I am afraid that the family in Guhong Town will not be able to tolerate it. The existence of Seven Star Sect.

The status of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire is determined by strength, and the small peaks currently occupied by the Seven Star Sect belong to Gu Hong Town. If the sect does not produce any more talents this year, then the aristocratic families in Gu Hong Town will definitely drive the Seven Star Sect out.

Because of this, Shen Yuqing pinned all her hopes on Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi looked up at Shen Yuqing. Although she looked cold, she and Shen Yuqing developed a deep relationship during this time together.

Shen Yuqing was very kind to her. He not only taught her how to cultivate Yuanli, but also took care of her carefully. In the past six months, he cared about her in every detail, which made Chu Yunxi feel very warm. As a relative, like a mother.

Since time travel, she has been busy taking care of others, and later she was with Yan Heng. Although Yan Heng doted on her everywhere, his love was different from that of relatives, but Shen Yuqing gave her such warmth.

So she has a good relationship with Shen Yuqing now.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely win glory for the Seven Star Sect in the martial arts competition. In addition to the disciple, Long Yuan and other disciples, we will definitely strive to join the Tianqing Sect, but why does the master insist that the disciple enter the Tianqing Sect? Woolen cloth."

"The Tianqing Sect is the first sect of our Heavenly Phoenix Empire, the largest sect under the emperor's command, and is directly under the emperor's rule."

When Shen Yuqing said this, his eyes flashed darkly, but then became calm.

Chu Yunxi didn't notice the darkness in Shen Yuqing's eyes, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Shen Yuqing and said, "Master, does this disciple want to ask you about someone?"

Shen Yuqing looked at her lovingly: "Do you want to ask me about your husband?"

Chu Yunxi shook her head. She was not in a hurry to inquire about Yan Heng's news. They would meet sooner or later. She wanted to know what happened to the two people who killed Yan Heng's parents back then?

"No, I want to ask Master about Xia Houxuan and Miao Haitang."

(End of this chapter)

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