Chapter 1309
Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan agreed to respect Chu Yunxi as the boss, but Luo Wuhen was a little hesitant, mainly because Chu Yunxi was a woman, and they would be ashamed to let a woman be the boss.

Chu Yunxi glanced at Luo Wuhen and pointed to the door: "Can you go?"

Luo Wuhen was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses and said quickly: "Boss, don't, I didn't say not to join."

Let's just be a woman, this woman is more ruthless and shrewd than a man, so the able one prevails.

After Luo Wuhen agreed, Ye Yuchen looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Xia Houzi has such a good relationship with you, she should be willing to join our team, but I don't know what Su Chenyang means? If he doesn't want to join, There are five of us."

"Okay, that's it."

Chu Yunxi nodded in agreement, glanced at the three people in the room and said, "I hate duplicitous people the most. Since we have agreed to be teammates, we must unite as one. Don't blame me for being cruel, you should know that I can do anything."

The following three people recite silently in their hearts at the same time, of course we know that you are always cruel and merciless, so we will be obedient.

Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuanluo Wuhen immediately nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Okay, now that it's settled, you guys should hurry up and choose a yard, wash up and have a good rest."

Ye Yuchen didn't move, looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Yunxi, our team also needs to have a name, like the team that came to your yard to make trouble earlier, it's called Tengfeng Team, what about us?"

Chu Yunxi thought for a moment and said, "Team Yexiao, we'll call it Team Yexiao."

Ye Xiao, a cunning and cruel animal, can always set up traps for the other party to fall for, and the reason why she entered Tianqing Sect was to help Yan Heng take revenge. Later, when she and Yan Heng faced Xia Houxuan and Miao Haitang , must be as shrewd and cunning as night owls, they hide in the dark the ordinary opportunities for revenge, set up traps one by one for the two people to fall into, until they completely kill them.

In the room, Ye Yuchen and Bai Zixuan were all taken aback, Ye Xiao team, what does this mean?
However, Bai Zixuan has now completely become Chu Yunxi's fanboy, supporting her regardless of the reason, so even though he doesn't understand the origin of the name, it doesn't affect him from expressing his enthusiastic support.

"It sounds good. Yun Xi will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move. It's so powerful, it really is different."

Ye Yuchen and Luo Wuhen were speechless, they rolled their eyes at Bai Zixuan, idiot.

After Ye Yuchen and Luo Wuhen scolded Bai Zixuan in their hearts, they immediately turned to look at Chu Yunxi.

"What does the name mean?"

Chu Yunxi smiled and said: "Ye Xiao, cruel, fierce, cunning and tricky, I thought everyone in our team was the same as it, so we called it the Ye Xiao team, is there a problem?"

Ye Yuchen and Luo Wuhen always felt that something was weird, and Bai Zixuan on the side cheered again: "No problem, no problem, the boss is wise and powerful, and his name is unique. He really deserves to be the boss of our Night Owl team. Different from others."

Ye Yuchen and Luo Wuhen felt bad after hearing this, this person is endless, after they looked at each other, they got up abruptly and jumped towards Bai Zixuan, they pressed Bai Zixuan on the ground and beat him.

Bai Zixuan yelled, "Boss, help me."

Chu Yunxi acted as if she hadn't seen it, and after Ye Yuchen and Luo Wuhen beat this guy up, she said, "Okay, it's getting late, you guys go back too."

(End of this chapter)

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