Chapter 1310 Be My Subordinate

Ye Yuchen and Luo Wuhen responded, adjusted their clothes, lifted their feet and walked out.

In the back, Bai Zixuan's bruised and swollen face had new scars. He looked at Chu Yunxi, who was above him, with aggrieved eyes and said, "Boss, what did I do wrong?"

Chu Yunxi said solemnly: "The mouth is too cheap, if I don't beat you, who will I beat, and go back and apply medicine to rest."

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Bai Zixuan shook his head like a drum: "Don't go back, boss, how do you think about the things I mentioned before? You see, I suffered such a serious injury because of you. Is it easy? If it weren't for asking you to be the elder of the Keqing in my black market, I wouldn't even want to enter a place like Tianqingzong, do you know how much I sacrificed for you?"

As Bai Zixuan spoke more and more vigorously, Chu Yunxi's brain hurt, she raised her hand to stop Bai Zixuan from continuing.

"Are you sure you want me to be the elder Ke Qing of the black market?"

"Yes, yes, Yun Xi, let me tell you, if you are the elder of Keqing in our black market, you will get many good things every year, rare medicinal materials, gold coins and various treasures, as long as you ask us, we will satisfy you. "

Chu Yunxi squinted at Bai Zixuan and said, "It's fine if you want me to be the elder of the black market guest minister, but you have to agree to one condition first?"

Bai Zixuan was excited, and looked at Chu Yunxi: "Say it, say it, don't say one, I will promise you a hundred."

Chu Yunxi grinned, and said with a smirk: "There is no need for a hundred, you promise me one first, when I am the elder of the black market Keqing, you have to be my subordinate and be used by me. Do whatever I tell you to do, even if I tell you to kill the emperor, you still have to kill? Can you do this?"

Bai Zixuan was stunned. Being Chu Yunxi's subordinate is a bit high. Bai Zixuan is the young lord of Baihe City. If Bai Zixuan becomes Chu Yunxi's subordinate, the Baihe City behind him will become Chu Yun. Xi's backside forces are gone.

Of course, what Chu Yunxi said about asking Bai Zixuan to kill the empress was directly vetoed by Bai Zixuan, because he didn't think Chu Yunxi would really let him kill some empress. When he went to kill the empress, he realized that what this woman said was true.

In the room, Chu Yunxi glanced at Bai Zixuan, seeing his troubled face, he felt a little relieved, if Bai Zixuan disagreed, there would be no reason to pester her, and she didn't think Bai Zixuan He would really be willing to be her subordinate in order for her to take up the position of elder Keqing in the black market.

One must know that Bai Zixuan is the young master of Baihe City, how could he be her subordinate, if his father knew that he agreed to her condition, he would have to take his skin off.

Chu Yunxi thought about it, looked at Bai Zixuan with a smile and said, "You go back and think slowly, I'll give you time to think slowly."

After she finished speaking, Bai Zixuan really got up and left. This matter is a big one. He has to be cautious. Being Chu Yunxi's subordinate and recognizing her as the boss in Tianqingzong are two different concepts. Recognizing her in Tianqingzong As the boss, they will go their separate ways after leaving Tianqingzong, but if they recognize her as the master, he will be her subordinate in the future, which is a big deal.

If one is not handled well, he will definitely be skinned by his father.

Chu Yunxi was finally quiet in the room. Outside, Xiao Lan'er walked in carrying water. She had great strength in her arms, and she carried two buckets of water by herself, walking like flying.

Chu Yunxi praised: "Little Lan'er, your strength is really great. By the way, have you ever cultivated Yuanli?"

(End of this chapter)

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