The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1311 This is trying to poach a corner

Chapter 1311 This is trying to poach a corner

Lan'er quickly shook her head: "People in Zongmen don't allow us to cultivate Yuanli. If we find out, we will be beaten to death. We were all bought by Zongmen from the slave market when we were young to serve the inner disciples of Zongmen. of."

Chu Yunxi felt sympathetic when she heard this. She looked at Xiao Lan'er and said, "When I have time, I can teach you how to cultivate Yuanli. If you are talented, you can also practice self-defense."

Xiao Lan'er immediately knelt down and kowtowed happily: "Thank you, master."

"Get up, don't kowtow, go out, I will take a bath by myself, and I will call you in after the bath."

"Yes, master."

Xiao Lan'er withdrew and guarded the door, Chu Yunxi began to take a bath, and rested after bathing.

After Chu Yunxi woke up, it was already dark, and Ye Yuchen came to ask her to go to the Phoenix Pavilion to collect the crystal coins.

Two people talked while walking on the road: "Huang Pavilion is the place where Tianqingzong offers rewards and sells rare treasures. There are all kinds of treasures in it, but the price is not cheap. You will receive crystal points later, do you want to buy them?" what?"

Ye Yuchen asked Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi shook his head after thinking about it. Although there are many crystal coin points, she should save some of them. If possible, she would like to give some of these crystal coin points to Long Yuan and the others.

Chu Yunxi said while thinking: "I won't buy it, I don't lack anything right now."

Originally, she wanted to buy some rare medicinal materials for Yan Heng to refine a elixir that could allow masters in the Martial Emperor Realm to advance to the next level, but she had asked someone from the black market to buy it for her before, so she was still not in the Phoenix. Pavilion bought it.

The two of them were talking and walking all the way to the Phoenix Pavilion. On the way, many old disciples pointed at them. Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen vaguely heard what those people said. Han Teng from the pavilion faced each other, and Han Teng would definitely attack them later.

After Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen looked at each other, they both sneered. They ignored the people behind them and went all the way into the Phoenix Pavilion.

Because it was meal time, the Phoenix Pavilion was very quiet. Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen said they would come to collect crystal points.

The deacon elders of Huangge became enthusiastic, and they were not in a hurry to transfer the crystal coin points to them, but led them to go around the Huangge three times and three times, selling various things in the Huangge .

It's a pity that Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen seemed like old monks who had settled down. They were indifferent to the treasure in the Phoenix Pavilion. It landed on the wrist cards of Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen.

After Chu Yunxi and Ye Yuchen got the crystal coin points, they left the Phoenix Pavilion without stopping for a moment.

The constant chatter of the deacons and elders almost made them collapse, but fortunately, they successfully obtained the crystal coin points in the end.

Ye Yuchen looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "I treat you to dinner."

Wei Li and Fu Sheng, who had been watching the two of them in the dark, heard Ye Yuchen's words, their faces darkened immediately, and their eyes burst into flames.

Good boy, this is trying to poach the corner of the master's wall. You are dead boy, and you must tell the master later.

Just as Wei Li and Fu Sheng thought about it, Ye Yuchen said: "Don't think too much, I just treat you to a meal, who told me I have too much money."

Chu Yunxi was not interested in eating. She looked at Ye Yuchen and said, "Do you know where the cultivation tower of Tianqingzong is? Take me to the cultivation tower. I want to enter the tower to practice."

(End of this chapter)

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