Chapter 1443 It's Awesome
At the back of the mountain, the fluctuations caused by the confrontation between the two artifacts swayed like waves in the sea.

Chu Yunxi and Princess Su Qi Wei were blown away by the powerful ripples.

The two of them retreated at the same time. At this moment, Su Wangfei Qi Wei moved her figure and rushed to a place not far away. She quickly pressed to a place on the ground in front of her, and the ground suddenly floated similar to The floating pattern of the gossip pattern came, and Qi Wei quickly clicked on the pattern.

Seeing this scene not far away, Chu Yunxi's face changed abruptly, knowing that she was in a bad situation at this time, she dodged and wanted to leave.

At this moment, she found a huge black hole suddenly appeared behind her, and the strong adsorption force in the black hole sucked her straight into it.

Chu Yunxi knew that she had been tricked by Qi Wei. The reason why she hit her with the Mount Tai seal earlier was to force her into this place, and she fell for it.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi raised his hand and slammed into the black hole fiercely, and finally found that the powerful Yuan force disappeared into nothingness in the black hole.

And she went straight into the black hole, and at the last moment, with a thought, Chu Yunxi took back the five big monsters who were fighting with Qi Wei's men.

Chu Yunxi had just been sucked into the black hole, and Yan Heng rushed over from behind. Seeing that Chu Yunxi was sucked in by the black hole, his face changed drastically and he roared: "Xi'er."

Unfortunately, the black hole disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yan Heng looked at the empty back mountain, his whole body instantly became violent and cruel, he turned his head and stared at Su Wangfei Qi Wei who was smiling complacently with his red eyes.

Looking at Yan Heng's blood red eyes, Qi Wei was frightened for a moment, so she couldn't tell that the person in front of her eyes was actually not her prince.

Ever since Yan Heng pretended to be King Su Xia Houming, he hardly had any contact with this Princess Su.

Because Qi Wei has been in contact with Xia Houming since he was a child, if he gets in touch with her more, she will definitely find out the clues.

It's just that Chu Yunxi didn't care about these things at this moment, he just wanted to kill this woman.

Yan Heng walked towards Qi Wei step by step, his eyes were full of murderous intent, Qi Wei backed away in fright when she saw him so ferocious.

At this moment, she finally believed in Hua Yiling's words, her master liked Chu Yunxi, not just in general, but very much, now that she killed the person he liked, would he kill her?

Qi Wei thought about it, plopped down on her knees and cried and begged: "My lord, listen to me."

Before Qi Wei finished speaking, Yan Heng rushed to her, lifted her skirt, and said fiercely: "Tell me, where did you send her?"

Qi Wei didn't have time to say it, the two old men brought by Qi Wei behind saw Yan Heng going to kill his young lady in a rage.

The two old men hurried over to stop them: "Your Majesty, no."

Yan Heng was in a rage right now, he just wanted to kill everyone in front of him.

So when he heard the words of the two old men, he raised his hand and slammed hard at the two old men behind him.

The two old men didn't realize that King Su would do something to them if they disagreed. Although he was cruel and cruel in the past, he was still ok with the Qi family.

I didn't expect to directly attack the Qi family now.

The two old men didn't take precautions, and because they didn't expect that Yan Heng was already at the Wu Zunjing level.

So they were directly blasted out and crashed into the small mountain opposite, and the two of them were seriously injured in the blink of an eye.

Qi Wei was stunned, lord, he is so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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