Chapter 1444

Yan Heng said sharply again: "Tell me, where did you send her, if you don't tell me, I'll kill you."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand and directly grabbed Qi Wei's neck without politeness.

Qi Wei soon had trouble breathing, and she struggled desperately.

Her servant girl rushed over to stop Yan Heng and said, "My lord, don't kill the princess, don't kill the princess."

Yan Heng raised her hand and directly slapped Qi Wei's maid.

Her maid blinked and was turned into a meat paste.

Yan Heng's actions made Qi Wei understand that if she didn't say anything, this man would definitely kill him today.

He actually likes Chu Yunxi so much, why, why she doesn't know at all.

Although Qi Wei was angry, she was scared at this moment.

"My lord, don't kill me. I'll tell you where I sent her. It's the Black Pool Wilderness, which ranks first among the five most dangerous places."

"My lord, I know the wrong person, I'll forgive me once, I won't dare again in the future, if there is a woman who likes the lord in the future."

Before Qi Wei finished speaking, she was punched by Yan Heng until the top of her head was bleeding. At this moment, he just wanted to squeeze the woman's head and let her die, die.

But now he can't kill her, he has to rush to the Black Ze Wasteland immediately to rescue Xi'er.

After thinking about it, Yan Heng ordered with a dark face, "Open the previous black hole immediately, and send me to the Black Marsh Wilderness."

If Qi Wei can open it once, she can open it a second time.

It's just that Qi Wei was frightened after hearing Yan Heng's words.

"My lord, that's the Black Pool Wasteland. Everyone who goes in has only one word of death. Could it be that the lord doesn't even want his wife and daughter because of that woman? Doesn't he even want the emperor? Does he even want the palace?"

Qi Wei was extremely jealous, Yan Heng was only worried about Yun Xi right now, and didn't plan to pay any attention to this woman.

"If you don't say it, you will die."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Qi Wei's neck with all his strength.

Qi Wei suddenly had difficulty breathing, she looked at the cold and heartless face of the man above her head, something flashed in her mind, but because her mind was confused, she didn't grasp this feeling.

Yan Heng pinched Qi Wei and shouted in a deep voice: "If you open the black hole, this king will spare your life, otherwise you will die."

At this moment, Qi Wei was like a weak chicken on the verge of drowning, she struggled to speak: "I, I will drive."

There is a black hole leading to the Black Pool Wilderness in the back mountain of Tianqingzong. She overheard her brother mentioning it. Later, he pestered her brother to ask how to open the black hole.

Unexpectedly, this opening almost killed him, now that this man is going to die, let him go.

At this moment, Qi Wei hated Yan Heng so much in her heart, she didn't care for a man who wanted to die for other women, let him die, let him die.

Qi Wei struggled to open the black hole while thinking crazily. After opening the black hole, she looked at Yan Heng and said again: "Cousin, you have to think clearly, this black hole leads to the Black Pool Wilderness, anyone who enters the Black Pool Wilderness People, you can’t come out again in the end, not to mention you are the son of the emperor, those people in the Black Ze Wasteland..."

Qi Wei persuaded her earnestly, but Yan Heng ignored her and shot into the black hole.

At this moment, Wei Li and his subordinates shot over quickly, just in time to see their prince entering the black hole.

The faces of Wei Li, Fu Sheng and the others changed drastically, and they moved to follow.

It's a pity that the black hole closed in the blink of an eye, Wei Li and Fu Sheng's expressions completely changed, and they rushed over in a flash, but a spaceship sailed over from above Tianqingzong, and as soon as the spaceship came, people from the Law Enforcement Hall appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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