Chapter 1445
When the people from the law enforcement hall appeared, Wei Li and Fu Sheng stopped their movements and stared at the movement ahead.

This time it was still Elder Ge who appeared in the Law Enforcement Hall.

Elder Ge took the disciples of the law enforcement hall all the way off the spaceship and landed on the mountainside of the back mountain.

At this time, the mountainside was in a mess, and people died on the mountain.

The elder of Law Enforcement Hall was not interested in these, he stared at a certain place, his face changed slightly.

As the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, he naturally knows that there is a black hole leading to the Black Pool Wilderness in the back mountain of Tianqingzong. Ze wasteland.

Of course ordinary people don't know about this, but how could Su Wangfei Qi Wei know.

Elder Ge's face was very ugly, he led the people to walk a few steps to Qi Wei.

At this moment Qi Wei was dumbfounded, did that man really love that ordinary-looking slut so much?Is she that good?

He forgot the ambition in his heart, why did he enter the black hole without hesitation.

The more Qi Wei thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and a raging fire ignited in her whole body and mind.

But when Elder Ge of the Law Enforcement Hall asked her again: "Princess Su, why did you appear in the back mountain and open a black hole?"

Qi Wei finally regained consciousness, she suddenly panicked after awakening.

She actually opened the black hole before and sent Xia Houming to the Black Lake Wilderness. If this was known, it would be troublesome. Not to mention that the emperor could not spare her, even the members of the Qi family could not spare her.

As the head of the eight great families, the Qi family naturally didn't want the emperorship of the Tianhuang Empire to fall into the hands of other princes, so they all wanted to support Xia Houming as the leader.

From a certain point of view, Su Wang Xia Houming is much more important than her, the first daughter of the Qi family, but now she actually opened a black hole and sent Xia Houming into the Black Lake Wilderness.

If the Qi family and the emperor knew about this, they would definitely kill her.

Qi Wei suddenly became frightened. Compared to opening the black hole and sending Xia Houming to the Black Zee Wilderness, she would rather be charged with opening the black hole and sending Chu Yunxi to the Black Zee Wilderness.

Qi Wei had a plan in her mind, she struggled to get up and looked at the elders of Tianqing Zong Law Enforcement Hall and said, "I opened the black hole and sent Chu Yunxi to the Black Lake Wilderness."


Elder Ge's face immediately turned ugly, looking at Qi Wei very angry.

But after a while Elder Ge felt something was wrong again: "Princess Su didn't lie to us, did she?"

Qi Wei's heart trembled, she shook her head and said, "What am I lying to you for?"

"Then what happened to Princess Qi's neck?"

Qi Wei raised her hand to touch her neck, and said with sullen eyes, "That woman Chu Yunxi pinched her. She wanted to kill me, so I opened a black hole and sent her to the Black Lake Wilderness."

Seeing the importance of this matter, Elder Ge immediately looked at Qi Wei and said, "Concubine Su should go back, I have to report this to the suzerain."

Qi Wei didn't want to stay any longer, and left Tianqingzong as soon as she moved. When she got out of Tianqingzong, her legs softened and fell to the ground, and she didn't move for a long time.

In the Tianqing Sect behind him, the members of the law enforcement hall did not dare to be careless, and immediately reported to the suzerain that Qi Wei opened the black hole and sent Chu Yunxi to the Black Lake Wilderness.

The suzerain and the masters of the four peaks were very sorry, but in the end the suzerain decided to hide this matter and did not intend to report it to the emperor. Then Qi Wei is the emperor's daughter-in-law and the daughter of the Qi family. It's just a reprimand, but in the end it's not their bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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