Chapter 1451 Ten Powers
After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, there was scolding around her.

"Where are all the bad guys in this Black Pool Wasteland? Some of them are just like you, little brother. They were calculated by others."

"Although some committed crimes and killed people, it was because those people deserved to be killed. Of course, there are also many extremely vicious people among them."

"Anyway, it's hard to say."

Chu Yunxi took the opportunity to inquire about the situation in the Black Ze Wasteland.

"I heard that the people in the Black Pool Wilderness are very powerful. Is that true? Also, I saw that once the Silong Gang appeared, you didn't dare to offend them. What's the reason?"

Chu Yunxi asked the little brother beside him.

Leng Zongyou in front listened to her question, but he didn't stop the speaker.

"Our people in the Kurosawa Wasteland are very powerful. Basically, the people here are all masters at the Martial Emperor level."

Chu Yunxi was surprised, and glanced at the people around him. All of these people turned out to be masters of the Martial Emperor rank. My god, it really deserves to be the Kuishawa Wasteland.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, his eyes fell on the little brother beside her, who looked younger than her, of course in their eyes.

She was about the same age as the little brother.

"Are you also a cultivator of the Martial Emperor?"

The little brother patted his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm only a second-rank Martial Emperor."

Chu Yunxi was even more surprised. If this guy lived outside, he would definitely become a top master. Such a young man is actually a master of the second-rank Martial Emperor.

"You don't look like you made any big mistakes, how did you come in?"

The little brother sighed, looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "My name is Jiang Xuan. Because I am a concubine in the family, I was watched by the concubine. They saw that I was talented and capable, so they tried to send me to Chu Yunxi. into here."

Chu Yunxi frowned and snorted coldly, "His heart can be punished."

She looked down at Jiang Xuan and said, "Jiang Xuan, you should tell me about the Silong Gang, why are you afraid of them?"

Jiang Xuan glanced at Leng Zongyou in front of him.

This glance made Chu Yunxi understand that among the team in Youlan Village, apart from the boss, it was Leng Zongyou who had the most right to speak.

Jiang Xuan saw that Leng Zongyou didn't say anything, so he smiled and told Chu Yunxi the situation in the Black Ze Wasteland.

"In this Black Lake Wasteland, there are ten major forces, the most powerful of which is Tianxiang City. The city lord of Tianxiang City is a master of Wuzun rank. He has not only masters of Wuzun rank, but also many masters of Wuhuang rank, so take it easy. People don't dare to provoke Tianxiang City, and their Tianxiang City has become the biggest force in my Black Ze Wasteland."

"In addition to Tianxiang City, there are two sects, three gangs and four sects. These forces are similar. The Silong Gang is among the three gangs. Their power is also very powerful, so ordinary people dare not provoke them."

"The place where we fought before was the periphery of the Silong Gang, so they came to stop us."

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows slightly. As expected, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Unexpectedly, there are gangs and factions established in the Black Marsh Wasteland, and it seems that these forces are quite powerful.

While thinking about it, Chu Yunxi asked Shen Cang beside him, "Then what kind of force do we belong to?"

Hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Jiang Xuan's mouth twitched, and it took him a long time to say: "We are just a small and scattered team, and we can't be called powerful."

Chu Yunxi turned around and looked in front of him. He really couldn't be called powerful. There were less than thirty people in total. How could they be called powerful and powerful.

Chu Yunxi was looking around, Jiang Xuan on the side thought of her identity, and was afraid that she would dislike their team and leave. You must know that doctors are scarce in the Black Pool Wasteland, so this guy is equally popular if he goes to other forces, but he does not Will tell him this.

(End of this chapter)

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