Chapter 1452 Orchid Village

Jiang Xuan thought he was very shrewd, and looked at Chu Yunxi while thinking, and said, "Although we can't be called powerful, our team is more humane, unlike other forces or teams that don't care about the lives of their teammates at all. , I don’t think you are a vicious person, so you should stay in our team.”

Chu Yunxi was funny, she obviously wanted to keep her, but she was beating around the bush, but she didn't want to leave, as Jiang Xuan said, their team is more humane, if they go to other places and see those vicious people, She was afraid that she couldn't help but want to kill someone.

"Then I'm afraid there are many scattered teams like us."

Chu Yunxi changed the subject, and Leng Zongyou, who had been paying attention to the movement behind him, twitched his mouth slightly.

Later, Jiang Xuan heard Chu Yunxi's question and knew that she had no intention of leaving, so he became happier all of a sudden.

"There are a lot of them, so every time we meet the top ten forces, we are careful not to recruit them. We hide if we can. If we can't hide, we can only be bullied."

"Then why don't you seek refuge with one of the ten major forces for protection?"

Chu Yunxi was puzzled, since the ten major forces are all powerful.

Then why don't they seek refuge with others, so as to escape the end of being bullied.

Hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Jiang Xuan raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't look at them as powerful, but the internal fighting is also very powerful. They fight every day, and they are killed if they are not careful. It is more dangerous to take refuge in the forces. It's not like As long as we don't meet people from the top ten forces, we are basically happy, we can do whatever we want, and we can live as we please."

"This is also the reason why the rest of the scattered teams are unwilling to join the top ten forces. You don't know that there are quite a few scattered teams outside."

Chu Yunxi was listening when someone spoke in front of him: "Okay, we're here."

Chu Yunxi looked up, and found that the place in front of him was covered by a large formation. From a distance, he felt that this place was a steep mountain, and no one would have thought that there were people in this place.

Leng Zongyou's voice sounded from the front: "Okay, let's go in and recuperate first, and we'll talk about it later if we have anything to do."

A group of people walked all the way to the steep mountain peak. In fact, this steep mountain peak is just a cover for the big formation. After entering the gate of the formation, there is a small village inside.

At a glance, there are about [-] or [-] houses, and there are children's voices in the houses of those [-] or [-] families.

Chu Yunxi was inexplicably surprised. Leng Zongyou, who was following her, naturally saw her expression, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You actually got married and had children here?"

Leng Zongyou raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise? It's not a year or two. We can only stay in this place for the rest of our lives. Naturally, we want to live a better life for ourselves, but it's true that there are very few women, and most of them can only be bachelors." , so many times, women can only stay at home and not go out, if they go out, they will be robbed."

After Leng Zongyou finished speaking, Jiang Xuan came over and asked Leng Zongyou: "Where does this little brother live?"

When Jiang Xuan said this, he remembered that he didn't ask Chu Yunxi's name.

"Little brother, what's your name?"

"Chu Yun."

Chu Yunxi replied decisively, Jiang Xuan nodded his head, looked at Leng Zongyou and said, "Where does Brother Chu Yun live now? If Brother Leng doesn't arrange it, why not let him live with us."

(End of this chapter)

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