Chapter 1461 Pregnant
Yan Heng thought secretly in her heart that Chu Yunxi knew now that this man was too jealous, so she had to coax him.

"Although I live here with him, I usually don't have much contact with him. He has a cold temper and doesn't like to talk to people much."

Chu Yunxi's words were not wrong. Recently, she and Jiang Xuan walked closest. Leng Zongyou didn't like to talk very much, and she didn't usually talk to him much.

Yan Heng felt a little better after hearing this, and followed Chu Yunxi all the way into the side room where Chu Yunxi lived. There was a small hall outside the house, and the two sat and talked quietly. In the courtyard outside, everyone was still excited. Discussing.

Because of Yan Heng's status, these people became more and more happy.

In the room, Yan Heng ignored these things, he only cared about Chu Yunxi: "How did you get together with these guys before, they couldn't be the ones who arrested you, right?"

When Yan Heng said this, a murderous look flashed in his eyes. If this was the case, he would not be able to spare these people.

Chu Yunxi shook his head quickly, for fear that Yan Heng would miss Leng Zongyou and the others.

Although these people are powerful, they are still weak compared to Yan Heng.

"No, they fought with another group of people, and then their old captain, Wei Chi, was seriously injured. I rescued him, and they took me in."

Just as Chu Yunxi was talking, Jiang Xuan happily brought over something to eat outside the door.

"Master's food is here."

The food that came in from this side was all meaty food. As soon as Chu Yunxi smelled it, she immediately felt uncomfortable. She hadn't eaten anything, but she wanted to vomit.

Yan Heng naturally saw her expression, his face changed slightly, and he grabbed Chu Yunxi's hand nervously: "Xi'er, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Yunxi waved his hand and said, "I feel sick to my stomach, you can eat."

After she finished speaking, she felt sick again and wanted to vomit again, now Yan Heng felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly waved Jiang Xuan to take out the food.

"Take it out immediately..."

Jiang Xuan didn't dare to be careless, and quickly took it out. In the room, Yan Heng held Chu Yunxi's hand tightly and asked nervously: "Xi'er, what's wrong with you? And your face is not very good-looking?"

When Chu Yunxi was suffering before, she didn't pay attention to it, but when Yan Heng asked, her eyebrows raised. .

She had experienced this feeling before, didn't she?

Chu Yunxi touched his stomach with a frightened expression.

As soon as she touched it, Yan Heng's heart skipped a beat, and then her whole body became tense: "Xi'er, could it be that you have a child?"

If this is the case, he must marry her immediately and enter Su Wang's mansion, and let her stay outside, he is not at ease.

Secondly, if he has a child, he has to watch over her and not let her mess around.

Last time the child fell, this time he is determined not to let the child have an accident.

Chu Yunxi didn't speak, and stretched out her hand to feel her pulse. After a while, a look of joy and helplessness appeared on her face.

Unexpectedly, the last time she and Yan Heng had a passionate relationship in the big formation, she unexpectedly got pregnant.

"I have it, and it is likely that we conceived it in the big formation last time."

When he heard that Chu Yunxi was pregnant with a child, Yan Heng was happy, and he stretched out his big hand to hug her.

"Xi'er, you are finally pregnant."

Seeing Yan Heng like this, Chu Yunxi reminded with a helpless face: "Yan Heng, in our current situation, this child came at an inopportune time."

(End of this chapter)

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