Chapter 1462 Destruction of Dulong Fort
Yan Heng retorted disapprovingly: "Why is it not the time? You don't need to intervene in the next thing. Leave everything to me. You just need to rest assured and raise your baby. When you get out of the Black Ze Wasteland, that bitch is afraid Already dead, I have given her the poison you gave me earlier."

"If she dies, I will just go to the palace and ask Xia Houxuan to agree to my marriage with you, so that you can enter Su Wangfu smoothly."

This time Chu Yunxi didn't refuse, because she didn't want her and Yan Heng's child to become an illegitimate child, and she didn't want the child to be separated from his father after birth.

Yan Heng loves children so much, he will definitely pour his father's love into the children.

Chu Yunxi was happy when he thought of this.

"Okay, everything is up to you, but you have to be careful, I don't want the child to be born without a father."

Chu Yunxi reminded, Yan Heng nodded vigorously, and he stretched out his big hand to hug Chu Yunxi into his arms.

"Xi'er, I will protect you and the child this time, and won't let anything happen to you."

"Well, I believe you."

This time, she herself did not allow her child to do anything. She had already lost a child last time, so how could she lose another child this time? Although this child came at an untimely time, so what?
While thinking, Chu Yunxi urged Yan Heng to go out to eat something, since she couldn't smell the smell, let Yan Heng go out to eat.

After Yan Heng responded, she went out to eat.

Then Chu Yunxi started raising the baby. Because of what she ate and vomited, her complexion was not very good, but her spirit was fine.

Because although she can't eat, she has the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Spring, so she can drink some water from the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Spring.

So her spirit was good, but although she was in good spirits, Yan Heng didn't let her intervene in the next matter.

Yan Heng took over all the following matters, and Chu Yunxi was only responsible for sitting behind the scenes.

She discussed the countermeasures with Yan Heng first, and plotted against the members of the Silong Gang. In the end, she not only killed more than half of the members of the Silong Gang, but also seized the territory of the Silong Gang.

In this way, the major forces in the Black Ze Wasteland also knew of their existence.

The people at Dulongbao naturally knew the existence of this group of people, although Yan Heng didn't use a grimace mask recently, but wore a disguise mask. .

But because they appeared so suddenly, the people of Dulongbao suspected that they had fallen in love with them, not to mention that Dulongbao had suffered such a big loss before, so naturally they wanted to get back their position, so it didn't matter whether Yan Heng and the others were the people they were looking for.

Dulongbao decided to take action against this new force, destroying them in one fell swoop, so as to regain his face.

Dulongbao had an idea on the front foot, and someone reported it to Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi on the back foot.

Recently, they arranged for people to enter Dulong Fort, so whenever there was any movement in Dulong Fort, someone would send news to them.

Xianyu Peak, the original site of the Silong Gang, was renamed Xianyu Peak by Chu Yunxi.

In the main hall of Xian Yufeng, Chu Yunxi glanced at the few people below.

In addition to Yuchi and Leng Zongyou, there are also a few small forces that they have recently recruited.

"You heard that the people of Dulongbao are planning to attack us. This time we must make them come and go, not only let them come and go, but also go back and kill everyone in Dulongbao. As soon as it comes, our Xianyu Peak will grow stronger, and there will definitely be people who will come to join us in the future."

"But you remember what I said, you must find out the character of the person who comes to seek refuge. You don't want the kind of murderous person."

"Yes, master, we know."

(End of this chapter)

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