Chapter 1467

Sima Hong was struggling, but Yan Heng, who was at the top, was already impatient: "Come here..."

When Sima Hong heard Yan Heng's words, he hurriedly said, "My lord, my concubine, listen to me."

He paused here, his face was a little sad, Chu Yunxi saw that his demeanor this time was genuine, not fake.

"As the princess said, my enemy is Xia Houxuan."

After Sima Hong finished speaking, before Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi could speak, he spoke first.

"Lord Su, don't worry, listen to me, although my enemy is Xia Houxuan, in fact, from a certain point of view, our line is the same. As Xia Houxuan's son, don't you want to get rid of Xia Houxuan?" Will you become the emperor of Dongchen? If King Su doesn't get rid of Xia Houxuan, you will never be able to rise to the throne, unless that person dies."

"But will he die? Right now, he is young. If the prince wants to take the throne, he may have to wait for a long time. If Xia Houxuan grows old, the prince's position as emperor may be indefinitely."

After Sima Hong finished speaking, he looked at Yan Heng, and Yan Heng looked at Sima Hong who was next to him, and he said with a half-smile, "Are you trying to provoke this king? Are you trying to use this king's hand to get rid of the emperor? "

After Yan Heng finished speaking, her face darkened, and she looked at Sima Hong with sullen eyes: "Sima Hong, your wishful thinking is wrong, you want to use this king's hand to deal with this king's father, don't even think about it, okay , you go, I just pretend not to know your proposal."

Sima Hong was stunned, and then he didn't wait for Yan Heng to open his mouth to call for someone, and said abruptly: "Wait a minute, Prince Su, I would like to recognize you as the master, and from now on I will obey your order and never have any other thoughts in my heart." .”

Sima Hong knew that this master was so capable, that sooner or later he would face Xia Houxuan, so he could wait.

When he is willing to make a move, and based on his understanding of Xia Houxuan, he can't tolerate anyone who is better than him. If he sees such an outstanding son, he will be in trouble day and night, and he will definitely think about it. If there is a way to get rid of this master, then the father and son will definitely face each other.

Sima Hong figured this out, looked at Yan Heng firmly and said, "His Royal Highness Su, I sincerely recognize you as the Lord, and from now on I will follow your orders and act, and never have any other thoughts in my heart."

Yan Heng didn't intend to keep this person, but Chu Yunxi asked Sima Hong: "Master Sima, are you still saying that you have any grudges with that Xia Houxuan? Maybe we can change our minds and keep you."

This time Sima Hong really didn't dare to hide anything. If he dared to hide anything again, these two would push him away from Xianyu Peak without hesitation. Then it would be impossible for him to think of the Black Pool Wasteland in the future. .

"My original name was Qin Tao, and I was the trusted confidant of the former prince Xia Hougan. Xia Houxuan was a wolf-hearted thing. He joined forces with people from the two clans of demons to get rid of the former prince and the previous emperor secretly. The Emperor of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, this rotten bastard, will be subdued sooner or later."

When Sima Hong talked about the past, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, cursing like a mad lion.

At this moment, he completely forgot that there was a son of Xia Houxuan here.

"That guy who should go to the eighteenth floor of hell is not even worthy of a human being. He is just a beast. How pitiful he was at that time. He was bullied everywhere. It was His Royal Highness who protected him everywhere and promoted people from the Qi family. As a result, As for him, he joined forces with outsiders to kill the crown prince and seize the crown prince's throne, that's not counting, he didn't even spare the late emperor."

"The first emperor was killed by him. Otherwise, the first emperor would definitely avenge the crown prince. He likes the crown prince very much."

Sima Hong cried and laughed, looking like a lunatic.

(End of this chapter)

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