Chapter 1468 The Truth
On the other hand, Chu Yunxi was astonished, this Sima Hong was Yan Heng's father.

Down below Sima Hong was still cursing angrily, after scolding for a while, his heart finally calmed down a bit.

He looked up at the first two people who were looking at him, and slowly said: "I've suppressed it for too long, that's why I'm like this."

Chu Yunxi opened the mouth and said: "Even if you are an emotionally unstable person like you, even if you are taken out, there is no guarantee that you will not lose control of your emotions and show your tricks in front of the emperor. Not only will you not be able to avenge, but you may also implicate the two of us. "

"So I have a suggestion, how about you listen to it?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Sima Hong looked at Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi said unhurriedly: "Actually, you are right about one thing, we will attack Xia Houxuan sooner or later, but right now we don't have enough manpower to compete with Xia Houxuan. Xuan has been outside for more than 20 years, and has created a powerful Tianqing Sect. There are so many masters in the Tianqing Sect. If we confront him, we are afraid that we will die, so now is not a good time to make a move."

"So you can stay in this black marsh wasteland to recruit soldiers for us. Those who are of good character can be recruited, and those with bad character can be killed. Even in your Tianxiang City, those who are treacherous and evil must be killed immediately. Get rid of it, leaving only some usable people."

"Because if you go out in the future, if you take the treacherous people out, you will harm innocent people."

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Sima Hong became excited.

So His Royal Highness King Su really has the determination to seize the throne of emperor.

"Okay, I agree to recruit available people here for the prince."

As long as he can avenge the prince, he is willing to obey the orders of His Royal Highness King Su.

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng and said, "Since he wants to recognize you as the master, you should take him in. We are leaving the Black Marsh Wasteland soon, and we still need a few people in charge here."

"I think it's good to let the Lord of Tianxiang City and Leng Zongyou take charge of the affairs in Xianyu Peak."

"When we can compete with Xia Houxuan, we will transfer them out, so that we will not be afraid of Xia Houxuan."

"Okay, do as you say, Xi'er."

Yan Heng thought for a while and nodded in agreement. He turned his head and looked down at Sima Hong and said, "Are you sure you want to recognize me as the master, and you have no second thoughts?"

Sima Hong nodded vigorously: "This subordinate is willing."

Yan Heng raised his hand and bit his finger, forming a master-servant blood contract, this kind of contract, if his subordinates betrayed him, he could crush the blood contract, and in this way, his subordinates would die.

Sima Hong didn't resist at all, and accepted Yan Heng's contract.

After they signed the contract, Chu Yunxi looked at Sima Hong and said, "Actually, I want to tell you something."

Chu Yunxi originally didn't intend to tell Sima Hong Yanheng's identity, because he was afraid that this person would have two hearts.

But thinking about it, even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to get out without them taking him out, not to mention that he didn't need to lie to them.

Instead, tell Sima Hong Yanheng's identity, and he will do his best to serve Yanheng.

So Chu Yunxi thought it would be better to tell Sima Hong about Yan Heng's identity.

"Sima Hong, in fact King Su is not the real King Su."

Sima Hong looked up at Chu Yunxi in surprise, and Chu Yunxi said calmly, "He is the son of the former prince Xia Hougan."

Sima Hong was blank at first, then quickly raised his head and stared at Chu Yunxi as if he remembered something.

(End of this chapter)

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