The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1469 Do You Suspect That The Child Is Not Yours?

Chapter 1469 Do You Suspect That The Child Is Not Yours?
Sima Hong thought he heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"I said he is your master's son. He didn't die back then, someone took him away, and now he's back for revenge."

Sima Hong's face was terrified, and even more unbelievable. He subconsciously took a step back and shook his head, "How is it possible? Back then, there was clearly a dead baby beside the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. We checked."

"That's the child of the Crown Princess' younger sister. That day, the Crown Princess took her sister to the hot spring resort to soak in the hot springs. Then a massacre happened suddenly. The Crown Princess' sister abandoned her son and took the Crown Princess's son out. "

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Sima Hong turned his head to look at Yan Heng. Yan Heng raised his hand and took off the grimace mask on his face.

Although the upper half of his face was ruined, but if you look closely, you can still see the eyebrows and eyes of the princess on his face.

Back then, the Crown Princess was the number one beauty in the Heavenly Phoenix Empire. She was as beautiful as a fairy, and the child she gave birth to was naturally stunning in the world.

Sima Hong glanced at it, and he was almost sure that Yan Heng was the former prince's son.

Sima Hong laughed loudly: "Haha, God has eyes, God really has eyes."

After Sima Hong finished laughing, he suddenly knelt down with a plop: "Your Majesty has met His Highness. Don't worry, His Majesty. I will do my best to help His Majesty get rid of that traitor as soon as possible, and avenge His Majesty the Crown Prince."

"Well, you go back to Tianxiang City and integrate those people. Those who are available will be brought to Xianyu Peak and merged with Xianyu Peak. Here, you and Leng Zongyou will handle it."

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi got through with Leng Zongyou before and asked him to stay.

Leng Zongyou had already agreed, and now with the Lord of Tianxiang City, they were more at ease.

Sima Hong immediately responded respectfully, Yan Heng called the outsiders in, and told the following people about Sima Hong's joining Xianyu Peak.

Everyone was startled now, and the city lord of Tianxiang City joined their new team.

Did they hear correctly?

Everyone looked at the Lord of Tianxiang City, and found that he was extremely respectful when facing Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

Everyone was puzzled for a while, and Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi didn't reveal their relationship, they looked at the humanity below.

"Okay, we're leaving the Heisawa Wasteland soon, and Sima Hong and Leng Zongyou will deal with matters in Xianyu Peak in the future."

The two immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, my lord."

Yan Heng said again: "This time we will only take thirty people with us, as for which thirty, you can decide for yourself."

Yan Heng watched Chu Yunxi sit for a while, then got up and took her down to rest for a while.

When the two of them walked to a place where no one was around, Yan Heng stretched out his big hand and picked up Chu Yunxi and walked to the place where he lived.

On the way, Yan Heng stared at Chu Yunxi's belly, it was just over two months old, isn't this belly a bit big, didn't it mean that it took three or four months to show up?Why did he feel that Xi'er's belly was a bit big?

Seeing Yan Heng staring at her stomach, Chu Yunxi looked down at his stomach strangely and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Xi'er, why do I feel that your stomach is more than two months old?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Chu Yunxi immediately looked at him fiercely: "What do you mean? It's a suspicion that the child is not yours."

Yan Heng looked at the little fierce woman in her arms, dumbfounded. After she got pregnant, this guy's personality became much more cruel, and he would often turn his back on any disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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