Chapter 1470 Possibly Twins
Yan Heng finally knew what capriciousness was. Fortunately, when Xi'er was pregnant last time, he asked the doctor carefully, and knew that this was a normal reaction of pregnant people. He heard that it would be fine after giving birth.

Yan Heng bent down and kissed Chu Yunxi's lips, and said softly after the soft kiss.

"What are you thinking about? I'm afraid that something is wrong with you. You see that a two-month-old belly shouldn't show up, but your two-month-old belly doesn't look too small."

As soon as Yan Heng said, Chu Yunxi looked down, not to mention, it was really like this.

She didn't pay attention to this matter at all before, but looking at it now, her two-month-old stomach is about to catch up with others' three or four months.

So this stomach is indeed abnormal, Chu Yunxi raised his hand to check his own pulse, after a while he felt that his pulse was normal, as for hers, he has not been diagnosed yet.

But the belly is indeed a bit big, Chu Yunxi stared at the belly, slowly raised his eyebrows and said: "Yan Heng, is there two reasons why I am so big?"

"Two? Twins."

Yan Heng's eyes were full of surprise, and his eyes were bright.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Yunxi was afraid that he would be disappointed later, so she hurriedly added: "I don't know if it's twins, because I can't diagnose them right now, and I will be diagnosed when they are a little older."

Yan Heng leaned over and kissed her again: "It doesn't matter if you are one or two, you are all great contributors."

Chu Yunxi was in a great mood immediately, put his arms around Yan Heng's neck and said with a coquettish smile, "It's good that you know."

Yan Heng said a few more words to make her happy, and the two went back to the room to rest while talking and laughing.

Yan Heng waited until Chu Yunxi closed his eyes to rest, and secretly made up his mind that as soon as he left the Black Lake Wasteland, he would enter the palace and ask Xia Houxuan to allow him to marry Xi'er, and he would take her to his side to take care of her.

If she really had twins in her belly, she would definitely have a hard time. How could he not be by her side at such a time.

In the evening, Yanheng and Chu Yunxi took Yuchi Jiangxuan and others to leave the Black Zee Wasteland.

Chu Yunxi knew how to detoxify the barrier in the Black Pool Wasteland, and she also knew how to detoxify the poison in it.

So taking thirty people out is a breeze.

In addition to these thirty people, Sima Hong also sent five people to Yan Heng. These five people were either rescued by Sima Hong or trained by Sima Hong. They were all masters of the rank of Wu Zun.

Sima Hong asked them to follow Yan Heng from now on and obey Yan Heng's orders.

All five agreed.

Yan Heng signed a master-servant contract with them, and took them away from the Black Zee Wilderness.

This time they entered the Black Pool Wilderness, it can be said that it was unexpectedly smooth, and they got such a powerful subordinate.

This is probably something Qi Wei would never have imagined.

Thinking of Qi Wei, the corner of Yan Heng's mouth curled up into a sneer, no accident, this Princess Su is probably dead now.

So after he returned to Beijing, he had to immediately enter the palace to ask Xia Houxuan to marry Xi'er.

The group left the Heisawa Wasteland smoothly. Chu Yunxi gave the detoxification pill in the Heisewa Wasteland to these people in front of him. Yan Heng looked at the thirty people in front of him and said slowly.

"After you take the detoxification pill, the poison in your body will be detoxified by itself. Now I will give you three months to resolve your personal grievances. After three months, you will secretly go to Su Wang's mansion to find me. You have your own arrangements, remember, if you don't show up for three months, you will betray the king and princess, and you will bear the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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