The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1471: The Period of Revenge in March

Chapter 1471 The Period of March Revenge
After Yan Heng finished speaking, the group of people in front of him respectfully did not dare to be careless in the slightest. Some of them signed a master-servant blood contract with Yan Heng, and some of them signed a master-servant contract with Chu Yunxi. The master and servant contract will be backfired, and they will reap the consequences at that time.

What's more, they didn't intend to betray King Su and Princess Su. It was a gift from God that they could get out of the Black Zee Wasteland and avenge themselves smoothly.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will go to Su Wang's mansion to meet my lord and princess in three months."

Yan Heng glanced at the thirty people in front of him, and waved his hand.

Thirty people disappeared in the blink of an eye, and now they just want to find their enemies so that they can take revenge.

Yan Heng waited for the 30 people to leave, then looked at the five people behind him and said, "Do you have anyone who wants to take revenge? If so, this king can also give you three months."

The five people shook their heads respectfully and said: "If you go back to the prince, the subordinates only want to protect the prince with all their strength, and have no intention of revenge."

"Okay, today the king of Japan will give you a promise, and he will reward the five of you heavily."

The five immediately bowed their heads happily: "Thank you, my lord."

Not surprisingly, the prince in front of him will definitely become the emperor of the Tianhuang Empire in the future. If he becomes the emperor of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, the five of them can revitalize the family.

The reason why these five people were chased and killed by their enemies was that their families were wiped out. Their enemy was actually the same as Sima Hong, that is, the emperor Xia Houxuan.

These five people were originally unwilling to protect Yanheng, but Sima Hong told them that if they want to kill the emperor, they can only rely on the Lord in front of them, so what they can do is to protect him and help him.

And they are happy to see Xia Houxuan and this master killing each other, the Tian family has no family ties, wondering if Xia Houxuan thought that one day he would be killed by his own son when he killed the family.

The more these five people thought about it, the more excited they became. Of course, they didn't know that Yan Heng in front of them was not the son of Xia Houxuan, but the son of the former prince Xia Hougan.

Seeing that the five of them had no intention of leaving, Yanheng turned to look at Chu Yunxi and said, "Xi'er, I will send you back to Tianqingzong first, and then I will go back to the palace to have a look, and I will go to the palace as soon as possible to report to the emperor and marry you You are a wife."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a luxurious spaceship appeared in front of everyone. Several people boarded the spaceship and headed all the way to Tianqingzong.

Yan Heng's luxurious spaceship is very big inside, separated by several spaces, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi are waiting in the front room.

Yan Heng told Chu Yunxi what he was going to do next.

"Xi'er, you are pregnant now. After I enter the capital, I will immediately go to the palace to meet Xia Houxuan and ask him to agree to me marrying you?"

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows, and said seriously: "I'm afraid that Xia Houxuan won't agree, even the members of the Qi family won't agree."

Qi Wei is dead, there must be other girls in the Qi family, and they must still want to promote someone to become Princess Su.

As for Xia Houxuan, I am afraid that he will let the Qi family's daughter-in-law become Princess Su, because he and the Qi family are connected together. Naturally, Xia Houxuan does not want people to know about the scandalous things they have done in the past. If he makes it difficult for Qi family, I'm afraid the Qi family will turn their backs.

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Yan Heng sneered and said: "Don't worry about this, I will tell Xia Houxuan that you are a sixth-rank alchemist, and the imperial alchemist behind the black market is you, I believe Xia Houxuan Hearing this, you will definitely agree to let me marry you."

(End of this chapter)

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