The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1472 Mother-in-law and mother's

Chapter 1472 Mother-in-law and mother's

An imperial alchemist is very rare. There is no imperial alchemist in the general powers. If the identity of an imperial alchemist is leaked out, many forces will rush to get her.

Naturally, Xia Houxuan didn't want Chu Yunxi to fall into other people's hands, and would definitely agree with Yan Heng to marry her.

Chu Yunxi made up his mind, and Yan Heng beside him said: "Also, I will tell Xia Houxuan that the reason I was alive back then was because you saved me, so I must marry you as my concubine. As soon as he came, he had nothing to say."

Chu Yunxi agreed after thinking about it. Originally, she was not in a hurry to marry Yan Heng, but now she is pregnant.

She didn't want her child to land in the name of an illegitimate child, so she could only marry Yan Heng.

While thinking, Chu Yunxi reminded Yan Heng: "Be careful, the Qi family may be difficult to deal with."

A murderous look flashed across Yan Heng's eyes, and there was a bloody smile on the corner of his mouth.

When he marries Xi'er and enters Prince Su's mansion, he will start to deal with the Qi family, and let the Qi family go to the [-]th floor of hell.

If his father hadn't taken care of them back then, they wouldn't have known what would have happened. They didn't expect them to be poisonous snakes who took good care of them, but they bit back.

Yan Heng clenched his big hand abruptly, and there was a cold and bloody aura all over his body.

Chu Yunxi naturally knew what he was thinking in his heart, she stretched out her hand to hold Yan Heng's hand, and said softly.

"Xi'er, we should avenge your father, queen, mother and concubine, but don't forget that you still have me and our children, so whatever you do, you must think about us, and don't be reckless act."

Chu Yunxi's gentle words instantly calmed Yan Heng's heart.

That's right, he is not alone now, he has a wife and children, and what he once endured can no longer be endured by his children.

This is his and Xi'er's child, the child he has been looking forward to for a long time, and Xi'er said that there may be two.

Thinking of this, Yan Heng felt miraculous, such a small belly gave birth to two children, it was unbelievable to think about it.

Yan Heng leaned over and pressed against Chu Yunxi's stomach, listening to the movement in her stomach.

Chu Yunxi was speechless for a while, Lord, it's only been two months, how can I hear it.

It turned out that she had told him that the baby would move in the future, and he could say hello to his own baby at that time.

But it's only been two months now.

But seeing his brows and eyes softly pressed against her belly to listen to the movement, she felt her heart was indescribably soft, and she subconsciously put her arms around his neck.

The room was quiet, and at the end Chu Yunxi was tired, and Yan Heng hugged her to rest together.

The night passed, and after dawn, they arrived at Tianqingzong by spaceship.

Yan Heng took the spaceship away, quietly sent Chu Yunxi into the courtyard where she lived, and warned her carefully.

"Don't practice recently, don't do anything else, I'm only two months pregnant, so it's easy to get into trouble."

"I see, you've said this many times."

Yan Heng raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm not afraid that you will forget."

"I don't have Alzheimer's disease, how could I forget."

"Okay then, be careful, I'll go back to the palace first."

"Okay," Chu Yunxi waved his hands in response and watched Yan Heng leave. Then she turned around and was about to enter the yard when a figure in front of her rushed towards her.

The person who came was Xia Houjin. As soon as Xia Houjin saw Chu Yunxi, he shouted excitedly: "Yun Xi, where have you been? We searched everywhere but couldn't find you."

(End of this chapter)

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