Chapter 1476

In the room, Chu Yunxi stretched her muscles and was about to get up and go to the room to rest.

She is pregnant right now, she is very lethargic, she should go back to her room and rest for a while.

But just as she got up, Lu Yu and Tianji stepped in from outside the door. As soon as the two came in, they saw Chu Yunxi and burst into tears.

"Princess, you are back, you scared us to death."

Tianji was a little better, Lu Yu was crying so hard that he rushed over and hugged Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi was afraid that she would affect his stomach, so he quickly pushed her with his hands.

"Okay, am I okay? Don't be sad."

Lu Yu cried for a while, looked up at Chu Yunxi and said, "Princess, you must take us with you wherever you go."

"Well, don't worry, I was calculated to disappear before, so I didn't have time to take you, and I will take you wherever I go in the future."

Lu Yu opened her watery eyes and nodded vigorously: "Princess, are you hungry? I'll give you what I'm going to eat."

"No, I'll take a rest first."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she yawned. She remembered the jade-faced fox who was repenting on the cliff of repentance for the master of Jianfeng, and quickly ordered the squirrel to say: "Go and tell the jade-faced fox that I am back. She stays there with peace of mind, don't panic."

"Yes, I'll go and tell her right away."

The gopher turned around and left

Behind him, Chu Yunxi also got up and walked out, and Lu Yu quickly reached out to support her, and the two of them walked out together.

Su Wang's Mansion, Yan Heng stepped into the gate of the Wang Mansion with his front foot, and people from all over the Wang Mansion heard the news, all the women tried their best to dress themselves, hoping to make a good impression on the Wang Ye.

The concubine is dead now, if the prince finds them pleasing to the eye, it is not impossible to mention them as Su Wang's concubine.

In particular, He Yuxin, the only side concubine in the palace, even rushed to intercept Yan Heng before anyone else.

"My lord, you are back, my concubine?"

He Yuxin raised his head, tears pooled in his eyes, the already petite person became more and more charming.

In addition, she was wearing a white dress at this time, and she didn't wear a single pearl hairpin on her body. At first glance, she looked like a little white flower swaying in the wind.

It's a pity that Yan Heng could understand Xiao Baihua's thoughts at a glance, not to mention he didn't bother to pay attention to these women.

"Go away."

Yan Heng raised his foot and walked over, ignoring the little white flower beside him. .

He Yuxin was stunned, the sorrow and resentment in his heart, is the prince a man after all?

She was so weak and affectionate, yet he was not moved.

Xiao Baihua thought in her heart, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and hug Yan Heng's leg.

It's a pity that Yan Heng stared over with cold eyes, and Xiao Baihua stopped her hand in embarrassment, with a frightened look on her face.

Yan Heng strode over, and the little white flower behind him called weakly: "My lord."

Yan Heng walked all the way to the place where he was currently living as if he didn't hear it.

He planned to go back to the place where he lived, change his clothes, take a shower, and immediately go to the palace to find Xia Houxuan, and explain that he wanted to marry Xi'er into the mansion.

It's just that Yan Heng's way back was not peaceful, not only Xiao Baihua, but almost all the girls in the backyard of the palace moved.

These women either pretended to meet by chance, or enjoyed flowers in the garden, or blocked Yan Heng's footsteps like little white flowers.

But in the end, they were all reprimanded by Yan Heng and went back to their place of residence.

Yan Heng went all the way back to her own courtyard, and when she was about to enter the courtyard, a soft voice came from behind her.


(End of this chapter)

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