Chapter 1477 Doubt

Yan Heng stopped and looked back, and saw a tall and pretty woman standing not far from the gate of the courtyard under the sunlight.

She was holding a six or seven-year-old girl by her hand, and this little girl was Xia Houjin, the eldest daughter of King Su Xia Houming.

Xia Houjin doesn't look like Xia Houming at all, but looks like his mother, not beautiful at all, let's not be beautiful, but his eyebrows and eyes are as violent as his mother's, people don't like such a child at first glance.

At this time, Xia Houjin's eyes were full of anger, and he just stared at Xia Houming quietly, showing that he was very angry.

Yan Heng knew why she was like this, her mother passed away, and as a father, he didn't come back until now.

Xia Houjin was naturally angry, but it was a pity that Yan Heng didn't care at all, and she wasn't his child, so could he bother with her?
Thinking about it, Yan Heng raised her eyes to look at the tall woman opposite, the first daughter of the Qi family, Qi Wei's younger sister, Qi Hua.

"what happened?"

Yan Heng spoke coldly, Qi Hua stared at him, but what came to his mind was what his sister said to her before she died.

Sister, I doubt the prince, he is not the real prince, he is someone else's fake.

You must find out this matter for your sister, if you can't find out, it will be difficult for my sister to die.

Qi Hua looked at the man in front of her. In the past, she was very afraid of this brother-in-law and knew little about him.

But my sister grew up with him, and my sister said he was a fake, could it be true?

But if not, this matter is of great importance, not to mention that brother-in-law was ruined before, and there is also a big change of mind.

Qi Hua's heart was filled with shock waves, but it didn't show on his face.

Qi Hua, the first daughter of the Qi family, was raised by the family since she was a child. Not only is she very talented in Yuanli, but she is currently at the third level of Martial Emperor level, and she is different from Qi Wei in that she has been smart since she was a child.

So at this moment, even if she doubted Yan Heng, she didn't show it.

She looked at Yan Heng, and said slowly and sadly: "Sister, she died of illness, and she wanted to see her brother-in-law when she was dying, but she never saw her."

Yan Heng raised her eyebrows, looking at Qi Hua's expression, she probably didn't know that he entered the Black Pool Wasteland, and also, Qi Wei might not dare to say such a big thing.

"Before I went to practice, I was trapped in the swamp city, and I finally got out. I didn't know that your sister was sick."

This is also an explanation.

Qi Hua took two steps forward, looked at Yan Heng and said, "Brother-in-law, don't be sad, the Qi family has already taken care of my sister's funeral."

Yan Heng nodded, looked at Qi Hua and said, "Well, go back and thank Uncle and the others for me."

"It's okay." Qi Hua shook her head and turned to leave, but before she left, she seemed to think of something and said, "Brother-in-law, my sister told me before she died that when she made an appointment with you, she gave you a gift. You have one thing, she asked me to burn that thing in front of her graveyard, so as to complete her relationship with you."

After Qi Hua finished speaking and stared at Yan Heng, Yan Heng instantly understood what Qi Wei should have said to Qi Hua before she died, or that he was a fake or something.

That's why Qi Hua deliberately tested him.

At this moment, Yan Heng is grateful to the Hua family. Earlier, the Hua family taught him a secret technique, called the soul-stirring technique, which can search for the memories in people's minds.

Before King Su Xia Houming died, he had used the soul-stirring technique on him, so his memory was in his mind.

At this time, when Qi Hua asked, Yan Heng knew.

"Are you talking about a painting she drew for me? Well, I'll get someone to bring it to you later on. You can burn it in front of her grave, and it will be considered as her wish."

(End of this chapter)

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