Chapter 1496

The white foam on the ground made people know that the previous tea was poisonous, Chu Yunxi looked at Shen Yuqing in surprise and said.

"Master, you?"

"Shut up, from now on, I will no longer be your master, and you will not be my apprentice. From now on, we will have no relationship at all."

After Shen Yuqing finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave. Behind her, Chu Yunxi hurriedly said, "Master, can you listen to me?"

When Shen Yuqing was angry, she still couldn't bear to kill her. This kind of affection made Chu Yunxi no longer plan to hide Yan Heng's identity from her.

"What else do you have to say?"

Shen Yuqing said with a heavy heart without turning her head.

Chu Yunxi said slowly: "Master, you also know that I came to the Phoenix Empire to find my husband. In fact, I have already found him. He is King Su Xia Houming."

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Shen Yuqing turned around to look at Chu Yunxi suspiciously.

"How did your husband become King Su Xia Houming?"

"In fact, he has another identity, the son of the former prince Xia Hougan."

Shen Yuqing was stunned, unable to react for a long time, then subconsciously stepped back and shook her head.

"No, you are lying to me, I know His Royal Highness Shisun is dead."

"The one who died was not His Royal Highness, but the child of the younger sister of the Crown Princess. When the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess went to soak in the hot spring, her sister happened to come over. Not many people knew about it. Later, when someone raided the hot spring villa at night, The younger sister of the Crown Princess left her child behind, and she escaped from the Heavenly Phoenix Empire with His Royal Highness, and went to the small country below, Dongchen Kingdom."

"We didn't know about this at first, but later, the Hua family of the crown princess's natal family found clues and knew that His Royal Highness was not dead, so they found Dongchen Kingdom and forcibly brought His Highness, my husband Yan Heng When we arrived in the Phoenix Empire, King Su Xia Houming was seriously injured at that time and was discovered by the Hua family, who killed King Su and asked my husband to replace King Su to Xia Houxuan's side."

Shen Yuqing heard this scene, only thought it was the scene of Tianfang Yetan, but after a long time, she became excited.

He took two quick steps and walked in front of Chu Yunxi: "Yunxi, what you said is true."

Chu Yunxi's eyes were serious, and he nodded seriously: "Yunxi won't lie to master, that's why I married King Su, because he is my husband, and I'm pregnant. Chen Guo once had a child, because the Hua family captured him, I was too impatient, so the child was lost, this child, we don't want to lose, so I can only marry him."

Shen Yuqing was finally convinced that King Su was the son of the former prince Xia Hougan, and such a secret matter, if he hadn't experienced it himself, he would not have known it.

"Okay, okay, that's great."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to hold Chu Yunxi's hand, apologizing respectfully.

"Yun Xi, the master made a mistake before, and the master apologizes to you."

Chu Yunxi shook his head: "Master, I know you didn't mean it, well, don't be angry now."

"Don't be angry, tell me about the grandson and his plan, what does he think?"

Chu Yunxi didn't hide from her, she told Shen Yuqing carefully about Yan Heng's situation. When Shen Yuqing heard it, she burst into tears, and thanked God over and over again with her hands clasped together. At the same time, she thanked the princess very much My sister, this woman is really great.

"If you go back to Dongchen someday, you must thank your old concubine for me."

(End of this chapter)

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