The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1497 There is no regret medicine in the world

Chapter 1497 There is no regret medicine in the world

Shen Yuqing said seriously, her eyes were full of light, and she was no longer as cold and cold as before.

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly got up, left and walked out all the way: "Yun Xi, go back and prepare a gift for the teacher first, and come back when you get married."

Chu Yunxi followed her and told her: "Master, be careful, by the way, when you attend the wedding, don't let the emperor discover your identity."

"Do not worry."

If it was possible before, but now that Su Wang Xia Houming is actually the son of the crown prince, her heart can only be ecstatic and joyful. God has eyes, and nothing happened to the grandson. Since the grandson is alive, he will definitely replace his father. vengeful.

And they, Feng Yu's descendants, will definitely return to him in the end, so she will let the disciples in the sect speed up their training, and strive to help the grandson when the grandson makes a move.

Shen Yuqing's eyes were full of smiles when he thought of his grandson, Xia Houxuan, you killed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, now His Royal Highness is coming back to take revenge, you just wait for revenge.

Shen Yuqing smiled even more as she thought about it, and walked out of the small courtyard where Chu Yunxi lived.

Behind him, Chu Yunxi watched him leave, and was about to turn around and enter the room, when he suddenly saw someone pushing the courtyard door and entering.

It was Xia Houjin who opened the door and came in. As soon as Chu Yunxi saw him, she felt embarrassed. In fact, she had gone to him before, but he avoided seeing him.

She knew he was blaming her.

Chu Yunxi watched Xia Houjin walk in front of her door, and she said first, "Xia Houjin, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept it from you."

Xia Houjin shook his head and said with a light smile, "Actually, I was overthinking it. How can I say such things casually? You did nothing wrong."

The more he said this, the more uncomfortable Chu Yunxi was. She took a few steps forward, stood in front of Xia Houjin and said, "Why don't you hit me twice to vent your anger."

Xia Houjin raised his hand and knocked on her head: "What are you talking nonsense, am I such a narrow-minded person?"

Chu Yunxi quickly accompanied the smiling face: "Brother Yi, you are the most magnanimous. How can you be a narrow-minded person? That narrow-minded person is clearly me."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Xia Houjin smiled and shook his head, then he turned to look at Chu Yunxi and said, "Yunxi, I actually want to apologize to you, I was really selfish before, I was thinking of Yan Heng is not here, do I have a chance?"

Chu Yunxi was taken aback for a moment, but Xia Houjin didn't expect Xia Houjin to say such words, and he didn't know how to reply for a while.

Xia Houjin felt extremely uncomfortable. There probably is no other woman in this world who is as intelligent, intelligent and capable as her.

But he passed her by the wrong hand. Sometimes he really hates himself. Why didn't he help her when he first met her.

But there is no regret medicine in this world.

"From now on, I will be your righteous brother, and you will be my righteous sister, forever."

Before he finished speaking, he continued without waiting for Chu Yunxi to open his mouth, "Yun Xi, don't worry, I won't let people know that Xia Houming is Yan Heng's business, so don't worry about me saying it."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out, his back was unspeakably sad, Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, wanting to say, that woman Feng Yao is actually pretty good, but she couldn't say that at all.

She only looked at the people who were gone, and silently blessed, Xia Houjin, when you have someone you like, you will know that I, Chu Yunxi, are not the only ones in this world.

In the following time, Chu Yunxi never left her small courtyard again, and became a newlywed with peace of mind. Because she was pregnant and couldn't practice, she resumed her old trade and started selling beauty lotion.

(End of this chapter)

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