Chapter 1504 Three Marriages
Chu Yunxi thinks that he and Yan Heng have become kissed three times in a short period of time, and it is funny to think about it.

She just laughed when Lu Yu walked in quickly outside the door.

"Princess, the prince is here."

As she finished speaking, Yan Heng, who was wearing a silver mask, strode in from outside the house. When he looked up, he saw the woman sitting at the table looking at him with a sweet smile. He thought that they could be together tomorrow, forever. Not separated anymore.

His heart was full of joy, and his previous worries were gone.

They and the child will never be separated again, Yan Heng's eyes fell on Chu Yunxi's stomach.

He walked a few steps closer to her, and asked gently with his brows and eyes: "What's the matter, you're so happy."

The smile on the corner of Chu Yunxi's mouth widened: "I was thinking about the big wedding tomorrow, Yan Heng, we have been married three times, what a fate, we actually got married three times in a row."

After hearing her words, Yan Heng was in a good mood, stretched out his arms and put his arms around her waist, leaned over and kissed her little mouth.

"This shows that our fate is destined, no matter how many times we get married, it is you and me."

Chu Yunxi looked at him with a sweet heart and said, "Are you here to pick me up to the other courtyard in Nancheng?"

"Well, I have redecorated the Nancheng courtyard of Suwang Mansion and planted a lot of peach blossoms. It is the season of peach blossoms in full bloom. It is very beautiful there. After we get married, we will move to live there. Don't worry about it. Those women in Su Wang's mansion."

"it is good."

Chu Yunxi nodded in a good mood, Yan Heng took her hand and wanted to go out, Chu Yunxi remembered something important, and called Lu Yu from outside to come in.

Lu Yu, the little ghost, brought Yan Heng in and then slipped out.

"Deer feather."

Lu Yu stepped in, giggling, staring at Chu Yunxi's small mouth, Chu Yunxi gave her a supercilious look, she was not afraid, and asked with a smile: "Princess, what did you call me?"

"You go to the Nancheng other courtyard with me, and you will be responsible for my diet in the future."

"Yes, princess."

Lu Yu happily agreed, but she thought of the gopher, and asked, "Princess, what about that day? Shall we take him with us when we leave?"

Chu Yunxi thought for a while and said, "I'll take him to the Nancheng Bieyuan to familiarize himself with the location first, and then he will be responsible for staying here to inquire about the news. In addition, if someone is looking for me, he can report to me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi asked Lu Yu, "Where's Tianjiren?"


The little boy Tianji opened the door and walked in: "Princess, call me."

Chu Yunxi nodded and said: "I'm going to the other courtyard in Nancheng soon, you can get acquainted with me, and then you still come back here, you will live in this small courtyard in the future, you stay here, and you will be responsible for inquiring about news Second, if those members of the Night Owl Team are looking for me, you can go to the Nancheng Bieyuan and tell me."

Tianji immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, princess."

Chu Yunxi turned to look at Yan Heng: "Okay, let's go."

Yan Heng smiled and stretched out his arms to pick her up, and shot all the way from the small courtyard to the back mountain. In the mid-air above the back mountain, a luxurious spaceship was parked. Yan Heng took a few people on the spaceship and headed all the way to the south city of Su Wangfu. away from the hospital.

Behind him, the elders in the Tianqing Sect who were busy repairing the outer barrier all looked at each other and said.

"Will King Su not be able to enter in the future? If he is not allowed to enter, will he destroy this enchantment in a fit of anger?"

"That one was taken away by him, why is he here? Don't worry, he won't come in the future."

Several people were talking and got busy again.

(End of this chapter)

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