Chapter 1505 Taoyuan
The Nancheng Bieyuan is very big, and the scenery inside is particularly beautiful. Chu Yunxi followed Yanheng and walked in. Peach blossoms can be seen everywhere along the way. This is the season when peach blossoms are in full bloom. The air is full of fragrance and peach blossoms are everywhere. Floating, indescribably beautiful.

Chu Yunxi fell in love with this place right away, so he raised his hand and released Huo Qilin, Lu Yu and others from the space.

As soon as these guys appeared, they were attracted by this place, and they all happily wandered around the yard.

Chu Yunxi looked at her with a smile on his lips. Behind her, Yan Heng stretched out his arms around her waist, and asked gently with his eyes: "Does Xi'er like this place?"

"Well, I like it, let's live here in the future."

Chu Yunxi was annoyed when he thought of those women in Su Wang's mansion. Although those women were not Yan Heng's women, those women didn't know, they thought Yan Heng was their man, I'm afraid everyone would try their best to seduce him Yan Heng.

She didn't want someone to seduce her man all the time, Yan Heng agreed with a light smile after hearing her coquettish words.

"I'm planning to do that."

As he talked, he pulled Chu Yunxi to walk in. Chu Yunxi really liked her more and more. Yan Heng already knew her habits and preferences, so she naturally knew what kind of place she liked. The courtyard is what he prepared for her.

"Xi'er, should you give this place a name?"

It will be the place where they live in the future, so it should have a name, and it can't always be called Nancheng Bieyuan.

After hearing this, Chu Yunxi thought about it with great interest and said, "Then it's called Taoyuan."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something and asked Yan Heng: "By the way, will these peach trees bear fruit? Will they grow peaches?"

Yan Heng couldn't help laughing, did he want to eat peaches?

"Are you greedy for peaches? But the peach trees here will not bear fruit, because there is a hot spring behind the peach garden. The previous Xia Houming introduced the water from the hot spring into the underground of the peach garden, so here is like spring all the year round. It’s another new variety that blooms all year round but doesn’t bear fruit.”

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Chu Yunxi had a look of pity.

Yan Heng smiled and reached out to pinch her tender face and asked, "Do you really want to eat peaches? I'll send someone to buy them right away."

Chu Yunxi immediately nodded vigorously: "Yeah, I want to eat the kind of unripe peaches just picked from the tree. The sour taste must be very good."

Recently, because of her pregnancy, Chu Yunxi hasn't eaten much.

Although Lu Yu's cooking skills are very good, but Chu Yunxi has no appetite. Although she doesn't vomit as much as her first child, it is not much different.

Yan Heng always cared about her very much, now that she heard that she wanted to eat the unripe peaches, she didn't care about 21, so she immediately called Wei Li over to buy peaches for Chu Yunxi.

Wei Li responded with a smile and went to buy peaches, while Yan Heng took Chu Yunxi to take her to rest.

This day Yan Heng stayed with Chu Yunxi in Taoyuan. After one night, he went back to Su Wang's mansion at dawn the next day.

Because today is the wedding of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng is going to entertain the guests at Prince Su's Mansion, and then come to greet the relatives.

In Taoyuan, Chu Yunxi slept until dawn, got up, ate and dressed.

Yan Heng told him before that the wedding ceremony on the Tianhuang Empire's side is much simpler than that on the Dongchen Kingdom's side, and there are not so many etiquettes, so let her not worry.

Chu Yunxi was relieved to hear that, she was really annoyed by those etiquettes.

(End of this chapter)

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