Chapter 1506
In the main room of Taoyuan, Chu Yunxi sat at the table, and two nuns began to put on makeup for her.

These two people were sent by Yan Heng to dress her up. Since they were sent by Yan Heng, it means they are trustworthy people. Chu Yunxi did not fear them.

In addition to the two nuns, there are Qingyan and Qingwu in the room.

The two of them were very happy to return to Chu Yunxi's side to serve her.

In addition to these two people, Lu Yu also stood aside and watched.

The room was very quiet, except for Mammy's blessings from time to time.

Seeing that the makeup was about to be completed, someone knocked on the door, and the voice of a little maid in Taoyuan who was in charge of running errands for Chu Yunxi rang outside: "Princess, a guest from outside Taoyuan came to the door, saying that it was the princess's favor. Brother, he said, come to marry the princess."

As soon as Chu Yunxi heard it, he knew it was Xia Houjin who was coming, and thought of how he had lied to him before.

She was still full of guilt, so when she heard that he was coming to see her off, she immediately ordered someone to invite him to the main hall of Taoyuan where she and Yan Heng lived.

The two nuns looked at each other, but they didn't say anything in the end. After all, the two of them didn't understand the nature of Princess Su. If they talked nonsense, it wouldn't be worth the punishment.

Originally, the two nuns wanted to say that it is best not to see other men on the wedding day
But even if they said, Chu Yunxi would not pay attention to it, because it was not the first time for her to be this bride, she had been married three times, so she would not care about these customs.

After the little maid outside the door responded, she went outside the courtyard and asked someone to sit in the main hall.

Chu Yunxi went to see Xia Houjin with light makeup on.

Xia Houjin was in an extremely uncomfortable mood at this time, a kind of pain from falling from heaven to hell enveloped his whole body.

Besides this pain, there was also the helplessness that Chu Yunxi had brought about by hiding it from him.

He thought that between himself and her, even if they were not the closest person, they should be good friends, but in the end he found that he had no place in her heart at all.

It made him feel worthless.

But even so, he still didn't trust her, and didn't want her to marry into Prince Su's mansion alone, at least she should have her natal family behind her.

Xia Houjin was thinking about it when he heard footsteps in front of the door.

He raised his head and looked out the door, and saw a woman dressed in four spring brocade clothes came in from the door. The woman's brows and eyes were agile, her demeanor was light, and her every move and gesture carried her unique charm, a little aloof and aloof in the cold , cold and proud, but with a little bit of agility, like the most unique elf in the world, it's a pity that such a unique woman has nothing to do with him.

Xia Houjin felt pain in his heart again, and his loneliness enveloped him.

As soon as Chu Yunxi raised his head, he saw Xia Houjin looking at her with painful eyes. There was heartbreak, heartache, and despair in those eyes.

Chu Yunxi was startled subconsciously. She thought of what Yan Heng had said and what Xia Houjin had said. He wouldn't be thinking about her until now.

Chu Yunxi called softly while thinking: "Brother Yi."

Xia Houjin was stunned, and came to his senses. When he looked up at Chu Yunxi again, his eyes were clear again. Although his heart still hurt, but this time he knew that there was no possibility between him and her.

Because she is Yan Heng's wife destined by God, she married the same man for the third time, and the marriage between them is probably inseparable by anyone, and they both have children.

This time he can finally let go, let go forever.

(End of this chapter)

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