Chapter 1525
These things about Su Wang's mansion quickly spread in the capital, and everyone took it as a joke, but no one blamed Su Wang for this.

It's all the same for men, not to mention that Su Wang's mansion doesn't even have a son-in-law right now, so it's right for the prince to keep a child because another woman is pregnant.

But Concubine Su should be angry, she must have just got married, and just after getting married, someone is pregnant and enters the house, so she is naturally unhappy.

Many people think that it's okay for the couple to get along, and they don't take it seriously.

On the other hand, the Qi family's popularity has turned bad. They thought that King Su really cared about Princess Su, but just now they got married, and there was a woman who became pregnant outside. It turned out that he just didn't want to have anything to do with their Qi family.

Well, that's great.

Their Qi family remembered him.

In the palace, Dijun also received such news. Thinking of the daughter-in-law whom he saw earlier with eyebrows and eyes like the woman in his memory, Dijun was annoyed for no reason, and scolded Yan Heng in the hall.

"This damn bastard, who made a fuss about marrying Chu Yunxi before, and thought he really fell in love with Chu Yunxi, but in the end, he made such an oolong."

"This bastard doesn't want to stop for a moment. If it weren't for seeing him newly married, I would have to deal with him."

In the main hall, Qi Hua looked at the furious Dijun with indescribably dark eyes. Although she didn't like Dijun, she knew him a little bit.

He has always been deep and introverted, and it is really rare to see him in such a state of exuberance.

Moreover, since meeting Chu Yunxi before, he has been in high spirits, as if he had encountered something exciting.

So this man has taken a fancy to Chu Yunxi?Qi Hua thought suspiciously, although he was not ashamed of Xia Houxuan's behavior, but when he thought about it seriously, he thought it was fun, what would happen if Lao Tzu and his son robbed women?

It's really exciting, but at the same time, she can't help being jealous. Is that woman so good?It made both Xia Houxuan and Xia Houming pay attention to her.

She was going to ruin that woman's reputation and die.

On the Taoyuan side, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi felt refreshed, without those women, even the air was fresh and pleasant.

Seeing that the night was getting late, Yan Heng took Chu Yunxi to rest, and before going to sleep, he did not forget to remind her.

"Next, I'm going to attack the Qi family. As for you, take care of raising the fetus, don't worry about what's left and what's left."

Chu Yunxi was a little tired, so he agreed in a daze, and the two fell asleep together in their arms, completely ignoring the people who had other thoughts outside Taoyuan.

The next day, when Chu Yunxi woke up, there was no one around her. Seeing her waking up, Qing Yan immediately stepped forward and said, "My lord has taken people out of Taoyuan, and he said he has something to do, let the wangfei Stay here in Taoyuan and take care of your body with peace of mind."

Chu Yunxi knew that Yan Heng went out to arrange for people to deal with the members of the Qi family, how could she not be of any help when he was doing things.

So in the next time, she will refine various medicinal liquid pills. In addition to refining medicinal liquid and medicinal pills, she also plans to refine the piece of divine soul wood that she obtained before. The wood refining was used by her, and then she taught those ghosts to practice ghost cultivation skills, and the ghosts would become stronger.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxi felt that there were many things to do. After she got up and ate something, she began to refine various medicinal liquids, poisonous liquids, and various life-saving medicinal liquids, as well as refining the spirit wood.

(End of this chapter)

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