Chapter 1526
A month passed in the blink of an eye. During this period of time, several things happened to the emperor, big and small. These events could not be separated from the shadow of the Qi family. It's not a big deal to use people instead of prey, but this time, among the boys captured by the Qi family, there is actually a young son from the direct line of a noble family.

The young master was also seriously injured in this hunting, and now the big family was furious, the elders of the family directly led people to surround the Qi family, shouting for justice from the Qi family.

In the end, the old Patriarch of the Qi family paid a lot of compensation to arrange the matter properly.

This matter had just ended, a woman escaped suddenly from a certain courtyard of the Qi family. This woman was actually the daughter of the city lord of Xiangzhou City. The woman broke out, and the reason why she did this was because the Qi family arrested her and used her as a furnace for the cultivation of the disciples in the family.

This matter immediately shocked the entire imperial capital, and even the entire Tianhuang Empire. In the end, all the families whose daughters disappeared were blamed on the Qi family, saying that their daughters were captured by the Qi family to be used as furnaces for the disciples of the family. .

In the end, forces from all over the Tianhuang Empire entered the capital one after another, and sued the Qi family to the emperor.

As the mother clan behind the emperor, the Qi family has always set their sights on the top and does not put others in their eyes. These years, they have suppressed and dealt with other forces. Now that something happened to them, the forces that were suppressed and dealt with by them came out one after another to fight back them.

In the end, not only these forces, but also the other seven great families in the imperial capital entered the palace to sue the Qi family one after another. As a result, several bad things happened to the Qi family before the emperor.

In the past, if others didn't speak, Dijun would just turn a blind eye and close his eyes, but now that others have brought things up in front of him, how can he pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore.

Above the main hall of Dragon Yin Palace, Xia Houxuan gloomyly glanced at the group of people below, there were more than a dozen of them, and these dozen of people represented all one party's forces. Xia Houxuan did not expect that the Qi family had recruited so many people. The hostility of many people, what does this mean, it means that they are too lawless relying on his power, because of this, so many people are attracted to be ruthless.

People from all sides, regardless of Dijun's dark face, rushed to speak: "Dijun, this time you must punish the Qi family severely, and you can't let them do whatever they want just because he is the mother clan behind Dijun. , if this continues, the Qi family will go against the sky."

The so-called going against the sky means that the Qi family will rebel.

When one person spoke, the others echoed, "Yes, yes."

Among the crowd, the Lord of Xiangzhou City knelt out with red and swollen eyes: "Emperor, please make the decision for the daughter of the minister, the Qi family is really not human, just because the constitution of the minister's daughter is different from ordinary people, they even secretly arrested her." , and treat her as a furnace for the children of their family to practice. They are not human."

A city lord's daughter turned into a cauldron, which shows that the Qi family is really too arrogant and lawless.

People from the seven great families of the imperial capital stood up and reported: "Emperor, the Qi family is indeed too arrogant right now, and they don't take the orders issued by the emperor at all. Many things in their family violate the orders issued by the emperor. Disciples of the family bully others, bully men and women in downtown, always give young boys to play with guests when entertaining guests, secretly capture young girls to extract virgin blood, and do evil exercises."

(End of this chapter)

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