Chapter 1601 Cute Twins
In the hall of Xianyu Peak, Chu Yunxi, Shen Yuqing and others were teasing two chubby babies.

The little baby is seven or eight months old, but he is extraordinarily delicate. His brows and eyes resemble Yan Heng, and he has a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, and his eyes are as clear as water. When he looks at people with his big eyes, there seems to be a layer of wetness It's just that the little guy can pout his mouth to show his cuteness, and when he sees the adults laughing happily, he pouts even more.

In addition to doing cute moves from time to time, they also stretched out their arms for Chu Yunxi to hug from time to time.

It's a pity that Chu Yunxi just ignored them and let the two of them lie on the ground.

It is time for children at this stage to crawl, and it is good to move their muscles and bones.

Because of Chu Yunxi's free-range breeding, the two little guys have exceptionally strong arms and legs, they can crawl from one side to the other in the blink of an eye, and then hug their mother's thighs, begging for a hug.

Shen Yuqing's heart softened when she saw the appearance of the two little guys.

"God, these two little things are so smart, they all know how to be cute and beg for hugs."

Lu Yu immediately answered, "That is, who told them that they were born of our princess, our princess has the blood of the nine-tailed fox."

Shen Yu had known early on that Chu Yunxi had half the blood of the Nine-Tailed Fox. She expressed surprise that people and monsters could marry and have children, but there were no more.

But maybe it's really because of her noble blood, so the two children she gave birth to are really very smart. Although they are only eight months old, they are like individuals.

If you want to be hugged by his mother, you must first act cute, show a cute smiling face, and then hug your thigh for a hug. That cute little expression really melts the hearts of others.

Shen Yuqing's eyes involuntarily fell on Nao Nao who crawled to Chu Yunxi's feet.

Nao Nao is a little thinner than Tiao Tiao, so he climbs faster each time. Once he reaches Chu Yunxi's feet, he hugs Chu Yunxi's calf and struggles to get up. My own mother blinked her big eyes, smiled sweetly with her small mouth, and finally stretched out her arms for a hug.

Chu Yunxi looked at him with a smile as if he didn't see his son's request, and said, "Nao Nao, what do you mean? Mother doesn't understand, why don't you tell me?"

Don't look at the little guy who is only eight months old, but he is shrewd. When he heard his mother's words, he immediately spit out a word: "Hug."

"Who are you calling to hug?"

"Sheep, hug."

Because she was too young, she couldn't pronounce the words clearly, so her mother's name was unclear, and she was called a sheep.

Chu Yunxi looked at her son with a look of disgust: "When did I become a sheep, your mother, and I still want to hug you like this, you are dreaming."

Now Nao Nao is wronged, his mother bullied others, Nao Nao is so sad.

Xiao Nao Nao cried sadly on her mother's knee.

Shen Yuqing, Lu Yu and others on the side immediately felt distressed, and they all blamed Chu Yunxi.

"Yun Xi, you're not too young anymore, you have the guts to bully our family's Nao Nao, how old is he?"

"Yeah, princess, you are a bit outrageous, you are a grown-up, it's only when you make trouble."

"Master, what you're doing is really immoral."

"Yes, yes, it hurts to see Nao Nao."

Chu Yunxi was speechless for a while, reached out and lifted the little villain to sit on his lap, and then saw the little villain, let go of the hand covering his little face bit by bit, haha, mother was fooled.

Chu Yunxi raised his hand and patted Nao Nao's little butt: "Mother knew you were playing tricks."

Nao Nao is small and very clever.

Jumping is very calm and has the demeanor of being a boss.

Chu Yunxi turned around and looked at Tiaotiao who was lying on his legs. Tiaotiao was trying to grab one of Chu Yunxi's legs and climbed up. He didn't play tricks, he worked hard on his own. Stupid and cute, seeing Chu Yunxi's heart softened, she reached out and hugged him.

The two little ones finally sat in their mother's arms, and Yiyi babbled with unspeakable joy in her heart.

In the hall, the atmosphere was unspeakably good. At this moment, several figures from outside the hall walked in.

The leader is Yan Heng. Yan Heng has been in seclusion for nearly three months this time. As soon as Chu Yunxi saw him, he knew that he had advanced again. She looked at him with a smile and said, "How is it? Earth Sovereign's cultivation level?"

In this year, Yan Heng has advanced very quickly, and he should have broken through the cultivation base of the Earth Supreme, and he has also cultivated many innate supernatural powers left by the ancient dragon of Taixu. It will be very powerful when used.

The more Chu Yunxi thought about it, the happier she became, and she wanted to rush over to talk to Yan Heng, but it was a pity that there were two little guys sitting on her lap and couldn't move.

Yan Heng walked over and said happily: "Well, I'm already a third-tier Supreme."

Looking at the three people in front of her, Yan Heng felt that her heart was full of tenderness.

Eight months ago, Xi'er gave birth to a pair of twin sons for him. The ugly little guy who was born has now completely grown into two little pink balls, and his eyes are exactly the same as his, as if from his Face off.

Just looking at it, Yan Heng's heart softened to the point of confusion, he strode over, and hugged the two little guys over as soon as he stretched out his arms.

Chu Yunxi was finally liberated.

In the hall, other people smiled and retreated, leaving the space for their big family.

The two little guys in Yan Heng's arms, Tiao Tiao and Nao Nao, looked at the person holding him with a strange look on their faces. Although Yan Heng was very strange to them, the two little guys were not afraid at all. In a sense of intimacy, one stretched out his arms and put his arms around Yan Heng's neck, while the other tilted his head and looked at Yan Heng, as if saying, oh, this person looks like me.

Yan Heng leaned over and kissed the two little guys.

Later Chu Yunxi came over and stood beside them, teaching Tiao Tiao and Nao Nao.

"Daddy, Daddy."

After she finished speaking, Tiaotiao called out steadily: "Father."

This father's cry made Yan Heng's heart go cold, and he leaned over and kissed Tiao Tiao, Tiao Tiao's little face turned red all of a sudden.

Nao Nao has always been clever, when he saw his father and brother, he immediately called out: "Daddy, daddy."

Yan Heng quickly kissed the little guy, and when Chu Yunxi heard the jumping and making noise, he immediately raised his hand and patted the two little guys speechlessly.

"You two little bastards, aren't you too partial? When you call me, you always call me sheep. It's not bad at all to call you dad."

"Hmph, Mom doesn't like you anymore."

Seeing that she was angry, the little guy immediately turned around and put his arms around Chu Yunxi's neck, and kissed him with a squeak.

Then she raised her head and looked at Chu Yunxi with her small face tilted, alas, mother is still a little unhappy.

Ba, another kiss.

One kissed, and the other hugged Chu Yunxi decently and kissed.

As a result, he kissed the drool on Chu Yunxi's face, and Chu Yunxi wiped the drool on his face with his hands full of disgust.

"Hmph, don't think that this mother won't be angry."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Tiaotiao immediately stretched out her hand to hug Chu Yunxi and said, "Mother, be good."

(End of this chapter)

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