Chapter 1602

After Tiao Tiao finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and touched Chu Yunxi's head, which meant that mother should be good.

These words were usually used by Shen Yuqing to coax him, so he used them to coax Chu Yunxi.

When making a scene, the ghost turned around and looked at Yan Heng strangely: "Father, mother, no, be good."

In the hall, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were extremely surprised, my God, Nao Nao actually said four words at once.

It's amazing, they're only eight months old.

Chu Yunxi forgot to tease his son, looked at Yan Heng in surprise and said, "God, he actually said four words at once."

Hearing the noise, he immediately shook his head and became proud.

From this time on, he uttered four words, four words.

Yan Heng looked at the two sons, then looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Xi'er, you have worked hard."

His eyes were full of tenderness, Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng with a smile, his eyes were also full of tender affection, Tiao Tiao and Nao Nao looked at their father and mother from time to time, and finally the two little guys stretched out their hands together Go hug Chu Yunxi's neck.

"Yes, mother, kiss, hug."


Seeing them hanging on her body, Chu Yunxi was afraid that they would fall to the ground, so she quickly reached out and hugged each other.

Yan Heng let go of the hands of the two little guys, stretched out her big hand and hugged the three of their mothers together.

Tiao Tiao and Nao Nao thought they were playing a game, so they giggled.

"Father, father, again, hug."

Yan Heng hugged the three of them tightly, as if he was hugging everything he had. If it wasn't for Xia Houxuan killing his parents, he would rather live with Xi'er in the Black Zee Wasteland.

Right now, after their rectification, the Black Marsh Wasteland has all merged into one force.

Those guys who behaved badly were basically cleaned up by them, and the current Black Pool Wasteland is much more cruel and peaceful than before.

It's not bad for them to live in the Black Pool Wasteland.

It's just that he didn't belong here by birth. He wanted to get rid of Xia Houxuan and take back the Phoenix Empire, which was left by his father.

A dazzling light flashed in Yan Heng's eyes for an instant, and then he looked down at Chu Yunxi and the two treasures in his arms.

He wants to give the Heavenly Phoenix Empire to his woman and his child.

How could his women and children be wronged to nest in this kind of place, they should be radiant, and Xi'er is worried about his brother, after they captured the Phoenix Empire, they will go to the demon world to help her brother, let him go smoothly Take the position of the king of the demon world.

In a short period of time, Yan Heng had thought a lot. Looking at Chu Yunxi in his arms, he slowly said, "Xi'er, we should go out."

Right now, he is a third-tier earth supreme being, and Xi'er is a martial master, and they have many powerful masters under their command.

The monsters in Xi'er's hands have also cultivated into big monsters and monsters, and even the ghosts in the spirit tree have become powerful ghost cultivators.

Now they have the ability to fight Xia Houxuan.

"Okay, let's go out."

Chu Yunxi agreed. In fact, in the past six months, Chu Yunxi has gone out many times. She went out to save people and disturb others.

Although Xia Houxuan sent countless people to search for their whereabouts in the Tianhuang Empire, it was a pity that he would never have thought that they would live in the Black Ze Wasteland, and even if she went out, if they wanted to prevent people from finding out, those people You can't find yourself.

In the hall, Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi and said slowly, "How about we levitate the Black Ze Wasteland over Liuzhou City where King Jian is?"

(End of this chapter)

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