Chapter 1648 Two Imperial Edicts
Chu Yunxi couldn't stand listening anymore, so he raised his hand and patted Miao Haitang.

Miao Haitang was already poisoned, so she was slapped to death by Chu Yunxi.

The people who were clamoring suddenly died, and the surroundings were completely empty, everyone looked at Yan Heng.

Fortunately, right now, they are surrounded by their own cronies, and no outsiders heard this scene, otherwise the news would spread.

But Chu Yunxi didn't believe Miao Haitang's words, she turned her head to look at Yan Heng and said, "I think Miao Haitang must be lying, your mother won't marry that Li Yan, she must be dead."

"Li Yan likes her, but it doesn't mean your mother likes her."

What Chu Yunxi said made Yan Heng look a lot better. He felt that his mother would never marry the enemy who killed his husband and son, so Li Yan liked her, but it didn't mean she liked Li Yan.

"Well, I believe she won't marry Li Yan."

"OK OK."

Chu Yunxi dragged Yan Heng out and left Fengxiao Palace all the way.

The two talked while walking, discussing how to rectify the Heavenly Phoenix Empire in the future.

In this battle, the vitality of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire was severely injured, and many cities were affected, so the next step was to rebuild each city.

six months later.

The capital of the Tianhuang Empire has returned to its original appearance. The capital was completely destroyed in the previous battle. After six months of reconstruction, the capital has now returned to its former bustle.

Before King Jian and King Hui were ordered to get rid of Tianqingzong and the seven great families, the entire capital was affected, and the entire imperial capital was desolate, like a dead city.

But now that the imperial capital has recovered, Yanheng decreed that the seven great aristocratic families should be sealed in the imperial capital. He also decreed that Uncle Jian and Uncle Hui would live in Beijing to help him with daily chores.

As for the Princess Xia Houzi of Prince Jian's Mansion and Xia Houjin, the son of King Hui, they were assigned to Liucheng and Tanzhou to guard the city.

Two new palaces and seven great families were newly built in the capital. In addition, some people who followed Yanheng before were also assigned to each city to be city lords. Of course, many of them are still willing to follow Yanheng. responsible for protecting him.

It was a sunny day and the weather was fine. Yan Heng announced that he had officially succeeded to the throne as the emperor of the Heavenly Phoenix Empire, and appointed Prince Jian's Mansion and Prince Hui's Mansion as the auxiliary kings, and the seven great families as the auxiliary ministers.

Yanheng issued a decree to notify all the people in the Tianhuang Empire to formally bestow Chu Yunxi as the empress empress of the Tianhuang Empire, and he was still in the decree, clearly expressing his position, from now on, there will be only the empress empress in the palace, and there will be no more Accept the second person into the palace as a concubine.

As soon as this decree came out, everyone in the Tianhuang Empire was in an uproar, and many aristocratic families still had the idea of ​​sending their daughters into the palace as concubines.

After all, the newly appointed emperor has only one woman, and if his own daughter enters the palace, she might be favored.

But I didn't expect the emperor to make such a decree. Although everyone thought it was funny, they didn't dare to disagree.

The new emperor was able to get rid of Xia Houxuan smoothly, with extraordinary means, how dare they have objections.

Yan Heng ignored these people, and after one decree was issued, another decree was issued.

From then on, in the Tianhuang Empire, the emperor and the empress are equal in status, and the empress has the right to issue orders to deal with any matters in the country, and no one is allowed to disobey the orders of the empress.

With this in mind, everyone in the Tianhuang Empire wondered if the emperor was crazy.

The throne was finally obtained with great difficulty, how could it be handed over to a woman so easily?
Although the Empress Dowager is very powerful, is it not good for the emperor to delegate power like this?

The empress and empress have given birth to twins, what if she can't get used to the emperor in the future and takes the throne with her son?
Everyone is worried, but no one cares.

(End of this chapter)

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