Chapter 1649 The Drunk Little Guy

The two kings in the imperial capital and the newly appointed seven great families know the empress's thunder methods. Her methods are no worse than the emperor's, and she has many capable people in her hands. They don't want to provoke her wrath.

In the palace, the emperor and empress hosted a banquet for the two kings and people from the major families.

In addition to them, there are also a group of Yan Heng's friends from Tianqingzong.

The palace was indescribably lively.

Xia Houzi and Xia Houjin are also there. After today, they will go to Liucheng and Tanzhou to take up their posts. Thinking of this, the two are still very happy.

Xia Houzi took a glass of fruit wine and went to Chu Yunxi's side to respect her: "Boss, why do I feel that everything is like a dream?"

Chu Yunxi took a glass of wine and touched her amusedly, "You can pinch yourself to see if it hurts."

Xia Houzi immediately smiled and said: "I pinched it, it hurts so much, so these are real, but I still feel like a dream."

Her father and her Uncle Hui Wang were able to live in Beijing, which made them happy.

After all, they grew up in the imperial capital, so they naturally hoped to live in the imperial capital, but they did not expect the newly appointed emperor to let them live in the imperial capital.

Xia Houzi and Xia Houjin were happy for their father.

But Xia Houzi felt a little bit reluctant to part with Chu Yunxi in the future.

"But when I think about not being able to visit you casually in the future, I feel sad. By the way, Boss, will you stay in the palace all the time? That's so boring. You can come to Liucheng to play with me."

Chu Yunxi gave her a blank look: "In the future, I will be the chief princess in charge of Liuzhou, why do you still look like a child?"

"Isn't this in front of the boss?"

Xia Houzi acted like a baby, and pulled Chu Yunxi, asking her to promise that she would go to Liuzhou to see her if she had nothing to do.

Chu Yunxi raised his hand and slapped Xia Houzi's hand away, "After we arrange the affairs of the imperial capital, Yan Heng and I will go to the demon world."

It is very likely that he will go to the Demon Realm again, because what Miao Haitang said before, although Yan Heng's face is not visible, but there is a thorn in his heart, if he does not pull out this thorn, I am afraid that he will not be happy for the rest of his life, so She planned to go to the Demon Realm after finishing her work in the Demon Realm.

"Ah, then you have to be careful."

While the two were talking, two little buns came over with fruit wine.

The two little guys were a little drunk because they drank the fruit wine, and their small bodies were crooked and stumbling around.

"Mother, why are you two?"

Nao Nao hugged Chu Yunxi, staring at his mother seriously.

But it seems that there are still two mothers, why did Niangqin become two.

Tiaotiao walked to Chu Yunxi's side with the wine in his hand, and wanted to clink glasses with Chu Yunxi with a smile
"Mother, let's do it."

Chu Yunxi saw the pink faces of the two little guys, obviously drank a lot
These two little rascals.

"How much fruit wine have you drunk, you are all drunk."

After she finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at the two nuns who were following in the distance, feeling very unhappy.

The two mothers hurriedly said: "Emperor Empress, it's none of our business, the emperor asked them to drink."

Chu Yunxi raised his head and glanced at Yan Heng who was not far away, then without saying anything, he motioned to the nanny, "Take them back to rest, we can't let them drink any more."

"Yes, Empress Dowager."

The two nuns came over to hug him, but Tiaotiao and Naonao refused to leave, they hugged their mother and asked for a drink.

In the end, Chu Yunxi had no choice but to have a drink with them, and then personally sent them back, lying on the bed to put them to sleep, and she was able to escape when the two little guys fell asleep.

Chu Yunxi got out of bed and saw the two cute and pink sons sleeping together, she couldn't bear to leave for a while.

She leaned over and kissed her son's pink face, her heart was full of happiness.

It's just that she had just finished kissing when someone came in behind her. Chu Yunxi knew who it was without looking back. She was already used to Yan Heng's breath.

Yan Heng walked up behind Chu Yunxi, and stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around Chu Yunxi's slender waist. A man who had given birth to two sons was still as slender as a girl's.


Yan Heng picked up Chu Yunxi and strode out. There was no one in the palace, and all the palace servants were sent out by Yan Heng.

Today it belongs to their family alone, and Tiao Tiao and Nao Nao live in the side hall of the palace where they live.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi lived in the main hall. Today Yan Heng drank some wine, so her interest was unspeakably high, and the joy lasted for a long time.
Fortunately, there is nothing wrong now, and they can sleep peacefully until noon.

It's just that as soon as the two of them opened their eyes, they saw two little heads lying on their stomachs in front of the bed.

The two little guys opened their long and narrow phoenix eyes and looked at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi with a smile. Seeing how loving their father and mother are, the little guys also felt happiness and joy.

"Father, mother, are you awake? Are you hungry?"

As soon as the fuss came to an end, he jumped up and down as if he had discovered something, kicking his calves straight to climb onto the big bed.

When he climbed onto the big bed, grabbed Chu Yunxi's arm, and jumped to see this, he thought his mother was injured, and most importantly, he thought it was his father who beat him.

So he grabbed Chu Yunxi and protected her behind him, puffed out his small chest, stared at his father and complained.

"Daddy, you are a big villain, you beat mother."

Chu Yunxi was blushing at first, but now she was speechless for a while after hearing what her son said.

It's a pity that she hadn't had time to speak, she was making a fuss with Yan Heng in the underground, saying hello to me, and to her parents, so she burst into tears.

He pointed at his father angrily and complained: "You beat mother, you are a bad person, Nao Nao doesn't want to play with you anymore."

Yan Heng taught her two sons from a young age to protect their mother, who is the little princess of their family, so this made the two sons unable to accept a little harm from Chu Yunxi.

Mother is the little princess at home.

(End of this chapter)

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