Chapter 1651 The Demon World
Yan Heng glanced at the two little guys and said: "Put them into the floating place, and let my concubine mother and your master take care of them. Let's settle the matter over there as soon as possible and come back."

"Looks like that's all it takes."

When the two people said these words, they were very quiet, and if the two little guys heard them, it would be a big fuss.

After the meal, Chu Yunxi took the two little guys to play. When she was playing with them, she took the opportunity to say that she was going to leave for a while, and the two little guys immediately became unhappy and made a bitter face.

Chu Yunxi repeatedly stated that she would come back after finishing the work, and that she would bring them gifts.

The two little guys are better, but they have been sticking to Chu Yunxi for the rest of the time. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that they are reluctant to leave their mother. Chu Yunxi feels distressed seeing them. It was really her mother's mistake, but she had to go to Yaozu.

If it was someone else, she might be able to ignore it, but Zhao Zhao was taken away by the great elder of the Yaozu, and he didn't know what happened to him now, so she had to go and see the situation.

If the so-called Great Elder of the Monster Race had lied to her back then, she would not have let him go.

There was a flash of cold light in Chu Yunxi's eyes, but when he looked at the two babies again, there was a soft light again.

Three days later, Yan Heng opened the secret passage leading to the monster clan, and led Chu Yunxi and several of his subordinates into the monster clan's territory.

The territory of the Yaozu is very large, and most of them are dominated by mountains. They don't need flat land like the residences of human beings.

Most of them live in mountains or valleys, and even some monsters like to live in tree holes.

In short, there are very few flat lands where the Yaozu are located.

After Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi and others entered the demon world from the secret path, they didn't know where they were for a while.

In short, at a glance, there are overlapping mountains everywhere, and everyone can't figure it out for a while.

Chu Yunxi released all the Huohuo, the lecherous lion, the big monster and the monster in the space.

As soon as monsters such as Huo Huo and Da Yao appeared, they fell in love with the scenery of the demon world.

In the distance is a waterfall like a silver wave, surrounded by white clouds, and green hills, which is a beautiful scenery.

Big monsters like Yumian and Duyou cheered and ran towards the hillside full of flowers.

"Wow, it's really beautiful."

"Yes, it's so beautiful and beautiful, this is our home."

"We're going to live here from now on."

After the big monsters finished speaking, they immediately turned to look at Chu Yunxi, as if they were afraid that Chu Yunxi would not let them go back to the demon world.

Chu Yunxi suddenly felt amused: "Don't worry, after you rescue my brother and help him ascend to the position of Demon King, you can stay freely in the Demon Realm, and I won't force you to go to the Human Realm."

"Wow, princess, you are so kind."

"Yes, yes, let's go find the Demon King."

If you help the demon king ascend to the demon position, they will walk sideways in the demon world in the future, who dares to provoke them.

Chu Yunxi looked at the big monsters in front of him, and felt that if these guys were left in the demon world to help his younger brother, no one would dare to provoke him casually in the future.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, Chu Yunxi looked at these guys in front of him, and ordered.

"Okay, you go and check what's going on around you first? Remember not to cause trouble, and report to me if you find anything."

The big demon and the demon responded at the same time, and then walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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