Chapter 1652 Bullying

Huohuo and Sexy Lion also went to investigate the surrounding situation, but the big monsters that Chu Yunxi brought out from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Realm did not leave.

They still stayed by Chu Yunxi's side to protect Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi glanced at them and asked: "Xueyin, Caique, you should also go and see the scenery of the demon world. If you want to stay in the demon world, I will let you stay in the demon world."

But Xueyin and Caique were not too interested, they shook their heads and refused: "We will not stay in the demon world, we are willing to follow the master and protect the master."

After hearing what they said, Chu Yunxi did not force them to stay in the demon world.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi stayed on the slope of the forest to rest, not far away were seven big monsters and Yan Heng's men were waiting.

"I don't know what this place is? And where does Wolf King Nie Hong live?"

Chu Yunxi frowned and whispered, put her arms around Yan Heng, and comforted her: "Don't worry, rest for a while, and when the jade-faced fox and the others come back from inquiring about the news, we will know where this is."

Yan Heng coaxed Chu Yunxi to rest, and she also rested with her for a while.

They didn't rest for too long before they were awakened.

The jade-faced fox and the others are back after inquiring about the news.

"Princess, have we found out where this is?"

"This is Moyou Valley where the Rabbit Clan people stay. I heard that this area is all the territory of the Rabbit Clan."

"Rabbit family?"

Rabbits are quite cute animals. Chu Yunxi doesn't hate them at all. On the contrary, she likes little rabbits. Besides, she thinks that with the gentle nature of rabbits, they should not embarrass them when they appear here.

Chu Yunxi thought about it, and was about to order the jade-faced fox to find out where the rabbits lived, so that they could visit and inquire about the situation in the monster clan, because they still don't know the situation in the monster clan, so Can't decide what to do.

It's just that before Chu Yunxi could speak, he heard faint noises coming from the dense forest in front of him. Among them were shouting and various angry shouts, and soon there were fighting sounds in the front .

Chu Yunxi knew what was going on as soon as she heard it, so she glanced at Yan Heng, got up, and the two decided to go ahead to see the situation.

But just as they were about to go there, they saw Huo Huo rushing towards him with the perverted lion and the flying silver wolf.

As soon as the three arrived in front of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, they opened their mouths.

"Master, this is the Moyou Valley where the Rabbit Clan people live, but the Scorpion Clan people came to make trouble and wanted to take away Moyou Valley from the Rabbit Clan. Just now we saw that many Rabbit Clan people were injured. Should we help?" If they don't help, I'm afraid they will be driven away by the people of the Scorpion Clan."

When Chu Yunxi heard that this was an opportunity, they helped the people of the Rabbit Clan, and they happened to be able to stay temporarily in the Rabbit Clan, so that they could inquire about the situation in the Monster Clan.

As soon as Chu Yunxi thought about it, he dodged and shot towards the fighting place in front of him.

Yan Heng and Huo Huo quickly followed behind.

A group of people moved forward quickly, and they traveled dozens of miles in the blink of an eye. Before they got close, they heard several arrogant and rampant curses.

"If you don't know good and bad things, you still don't want to get out. Do you want us to kill all your rabbit people?"

"What to do with so much talk with them, just kill them."

"Yeah, kill it, kill it, by the way, don't kill the beautiful girl, we just married as concubines, and rabbits are all delicate and tender, so it's fun."

"Yeah, don't kill the pretty ones."

(End of this chapter)

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