Chapter 1674 Conspiracy
After she finished speaking, she raised her hand abruptly and released all the big monsters in the space.

There are seven big monsters brought out from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Realm, and five big monsters brought out from the Black Pool Wasteland.

"You go out immediately to investigate the situation of Wanxian Valley, and see if you can find any clues. Remember, don't disturb the people in Wanxian Valley, and there are many hidden weapons in Wanxian Valley. You should be careful and be careful. Don't touch the organs and hidden weapons, so as not to alarm the Wolf King and his men."

"Yes," the twelve big monsters responded, and walked away.

They don't know anything about the situation in the Valley of Immortals, so let these big monsters find out the situation first, and then make plans.

Just as the twelve big monsters left, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

As soon as Chu Yunxi raised her hand to remove the barrier, she walked over to open the door, and saw a little demon running errands outside the door, bringing a bowl of hangover soup.

"Princess Xiangxiang sent someone a bowl of hangover soup."

"Well, thank you princess for us."

Chu Yunxi took it, and the little demon retreated. She entered the room with hangover soup, and motioned Huo Qilin to drink the hangover soup.

Huo Qilin had already heard from the little demon who brought the soup earlier that it was for Princess Xiangxiang to drink, so he resolutely refused to drink it.

"That woman won't poison me, I won't drink."

"Her soup is fine. You drank so much wine before, so drink a little."

Huo Qilin still refused, but Yan Heng said hehe: "Are you a woman, mother-in-law is not even as good as a woman."

"What did you say?"

Huo Qilin is fine with others, but with Yan Heng, he is easily ignited.

Chu Yunxi thought about signaling Huo Qilin to drink some hangover soup.

"We have something to do right now, you'd better drink some hangover soup."

Now Huo Qilin couldn't say anything more, so he took the wine soup and drank it.

Yan Heng became more and more upset when he saw it, and Huo Qilin was also unhappy. The two looked at each other, and the room was silent for a moment.

Here the two are confronting each other, and on the other side, the wolf king is discussing issues with the princes of the five major races.

The wolf king told about the real body of the fire unicorn, and the five sons couldn't help being surprised.

"What, people from the Qilin family, how is this possible, people from the Qilin family are very noble, how could he be willing to marry Princess Xiangxiang?"

The words of the spirit descendant made the wolf king Nie Hong's face particularly unsightly. He stared at the master descendant with gloomy eyes,

Only then did Young Master Jiangling realize that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly remedied it: "I mean, he must have some other conspiracy in doing this. Could it be that he wants to take the throne of Lord Demon King?"

Nie Hong, the wolf king, was worried about this at first, but now that he heard it again, he became more and more convinced that the reason why Huo Qilin seized the position of son-in-law was because he had a fancy to his throne, so he must get rid of this unsightly guy.

"So I'm going to get rid of him."

The wolf king beckoned the five people to come over, and then arranged for them to do next.

Five people nodded, but among them, a little gloomy light flashed in Mr. Ning's eyes.

It's just that no one else has noticed.

It was night, and the entire Yunxian Valley was peaceful.

In the guest courtyard of Yunxian Valley, several subordinates were patrolling, even the two elders of the rabbit clan and Xiaodouzi walked around, for fear that someone would harm Chu Yunxi and others.

The rabbit tribe is currently involved in the grievances between the princess and the wolf king. They are now grasshoppers on the same rope with the princess. family.

So they must help the princess get rid of the wolf king. As long as the wolf king is dead, the rabbit clan will be safe, and because they helped the princess and the future demon king, they have a bright future in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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