Chapter 1675
The more the Rabbit people think about it, the better it is, and they don't feel tired when they patrol the night.

In the master bedroom of the guest house, Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi and Huo Huo were listening to the report of the twelve big monsters.

"Princess, I found out that there is a forbidden place in Wanxian Valley. No one is allowed to approach it. Anyone who violates the order will be beheaded."

"I also found out that the Demon Empress Li Zhu has been ill for many years and rarely appears in front of the Yaozu people."

"In this Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals, there are a lot of formations and mechanisms that have secret passages. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the formations or mechanisms."

When the big demon said this, he stopped.

"That's all we found out, and we didn't dare to dig deeper, for fear of being discovered by the wolf king."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and was about to speak, when he suddenly heard fluctuations outside the guest courtyard. After Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi looked at each other, they nodded immediately.

It seems that the wolf king's men have been dispatched.

Chu Yunxi put away all the big monsters, and then she and Yan Heng said as they walked.

"I didn't expect the young master to be drunk. Is this too happy?"

After listening to Chu Yunxi's words, Yan Heng thought about Huo Qilin's behavior at dinner earlier, so he immediately said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, my son likes Princess Xiangxiang so much, he can't help himself when he sees Princess Xiangxiang, that's why he drank so much wine tonight."

After Huo Qilin heard Yan Heng's words, his face darkened immediately, and the shape of his mouth said, you wait for me.

Yan Heng gave him a cold look and then said: "My lord, you are so happy to sit and drink with the princess, then you will be crazy to be married to the princess later in the bridal chamber."

Huo Qilin spit fire in his eyes, exhaled, inhaled.

Chu Yunxi was afraid that Yan Heng would offend the violent guy, so he hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, the young master is asleep, what are you talking about, let's watch the night for the young master tonight, because the young master wants to drink at night. What water."

Yan Heng finally stopped talking, and the two walked to the door and sat down, as if they were keeping vigil for Huo Qilin.

The people outside waited for a while, and when they heard that there was no movement inside, they immediately opened a crack in the window quietly, and then a faint smoke that seemed to be there was blown in.

In the room, as soon as Chu Yunxi smelled it, he knew that the smoke contained poison that could make people unconscious.

It's a pity that she was already guarding against their tricks, so she took the detoxification pill in advance, and let Huo Qilin and Yan Heng take the detoxification pill.

Now even if there is poison in the smoke that can make people unconscious, it can't hurt them at all.

It's just that the people outside obviously didn't know, they blew smoke, waited for a while, opened the window and jumped in.

As soon as these people came in, Chu Yunxi quietly opened his eyes and took a look. Unexpectedly, the ones who came in were Shangxuan from the tiger clan and the lion clan from the five major races.

The other three sons did not show up, but Chu Yunxi suspected that these three should be watching outside.

The two people in the room looked at each other and walked towards the bed.

Holding a dagger in his hand, the descendant of the tiger tribe walked towards the bed step by step, his eyes were full of vicious light.

He grew up with Princess Xiangxiang, he likes Princess Xiangxiang, and of course he also likes the power behind Princess Xiangxiang.

But he had been planning for so long, and seeing that he was about to marry Princess Xiangxiang, this person came out and snatched his position as son-in-law.

So how could he spare him.

As soon as the spirit descendant raised his hand, the dagger was about to stab fiercely into Huo Qilin's chest, at this moment, a flame burst out outside the guest courtyard, and someone shouted: "It's bad, it's on fire, put out the fire quickly. "

(End of this chapter)

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