Chapter 1676
Inside the room, Jiang Ling and Han Ling paused when they heard the movement outside.

Han Ling was the first to react and said, "Quick, let's go."

Seeing that he was going to kill Huo Qilin, Jiang Ling didn't want to make an accident.

How could he give up and want to break free from Han Ling's hand that was holding him, but unfortunately Han Ling was so strong that he couldn't break free at all.

"No, I'm going to kill him."

"No, his subordinates have already been alarmed, so let's talk about it later."

Han Ling pulled Jiang Ling out, and Chu Yunxi in the room opened his eyes.

How could there be a fire in the guest courtyard?

Earlier, she planned to kill Jiang Ling and Han Ling, but this happened.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, someone pushed the front door suddenly.

Chu Yunxi paused, then sneered, this was another attempt at reluctance.

Then let her send them to the west.

As soon as Chu Yunxi thought about it, two people from outside the door rushed in. As soon as they came in, they took out two pills and stuffed them into the mouths of Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng, and then they ran straight to the bed.

Chu Yunxi originally wanted to kill the two people who came in, but when the pill entered her throat, she changed her mind.

Because these two pills turned out to be antidote pills, the last two people came here with the idea of ​​saving them.

Who are these two people?

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, the two people in front of the bed had already fed Huohuo a pill, and then they raised their hands and patted Huo Qilin's face twice, with the intention of slapping Huo Qilin awake.

As an ancient divine beast, Huo Qilin was slapped in the face by someone, although it was to save him.

But this was too embarrassing. Fortunately, the two people who beat him saw him move, and immediately dodged and retreated.

"Let's go, they'll wake up in a minute."

The two men dodged and slipped out the front door.

As soon as they walked away, Chu Yunxi released the gopher: "Go, follow them, and find out who they are?"

Tianji slammed into the ground and followed the two people who had come before.

In the room, Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng stopped pretending. They opened their eyes and asked in panic, "What's going on outside?"

"Is it on fire? Young Master, what's the matter, Young Master?"

The two rushed to the bed, and soon there were voices in the room.

Jiang Ling, Han Ling and the others who were waiting outside the house looked at each other in disbelief when they heard the movement in the house, but at this moment, they were only filled with anger, and completely ignored the details.

"Hateful, let him escape a catastrophe."

"Forget it, Wang wants to get rid of him, there are plenty of opportunities, so don't worry."

Han Ling comforted Jiang Ling, and the other three said in a deep voice behind him: "Okay, we can't kill them today, let's go."

The fire in the northwest corner of the guest courtyard was quickly extinguished, and did not cause much panic.

Nie Hong, the wolf king, sent his men over to investigate, and went back when he found nothing wrong.

In the guest courtyard, Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and Huo Qilin felt puzzled, why did it catch fire.

The three of them were guessing the reason, and the gopher came out of the ground.

As soon as he came out, he quickly reported: "Returning to the princess, it turns out that those two people were sent by the demon queen Li Zhu."

"The Demon Empress Lizhu?"

A playful smile appeared on the corners of Chu Yunxi's lips, she would have to meet the demon queen for a while.

Why did she save them so well?

Compared to Chu Yunxi's desire to see the Demon Empress Li Zhu, Yan Heng wanted to see the Demon Empress Li Zhu more than she did.

(End of this chapter)

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