Chapter 1677 Big Marriage in Three Days

Because Lizhu is the younger sister of the Demon King Liyan, if you find her, you will know whether the Demon King really brought a woman back to the Demon Realm.

"We have to meet this demon empress."

Chu Yunxi nodded in agreement: "I also mean that. Since the Demon Empress saved us, she is not of the same mind as the Demon King. Maybe we can do something together with her. If we can find out from the Demon Queen's mouth, With the whereabouts of parents, we can know where the forbidden area of ​​the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is?"

"If we find the forbidden area of ​​the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, we will be able to find Zhaozhao, and if we rescue our parents, we will be able to kill them all."

The more Chu Yunxi spoke, the happier she became, but she quickly stopped, because Yan Heng, who was on the side, was obviously worried.

After Chu Yunxi thought about it for a while, he knew what he was worried about. He was worried that his mother was really married to the Demon King of the Demon Realm.

Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to hold Yan Heng's hand and said, "Yan Heng, don't think about it, I don't think it is possible for the mother concubine to marry Li Yan."

Yan Heng nodded slowly, he also felt that his mother would not marry someone who killed her husband and children.

"No matter what, I want to meet the Demon Empress Li Zhu and hear her talk about it herself."

Chu Yunxi nodded, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

Yan Heng stretched out his arms to put her in his arms, and the fire unicorn on the side of the room shouted angrily: "Hey, what are you doing, I am a living person here, you are going too far, why don't you Also, you guys are too hot-eyed now."

Huo Qilin and Chu Yunxi had been together for a long time, and their words became more and more alike.

Yan Heng gave Huo Qilin a blank look, then pulled Chu Yunxi outside: "Let's go to rest."

Chu Yunxi responded, and ordered the gopher to continue to investigate the situation in the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals. If there is any news, come and report to her immediately.

The gopher is active underground, which can avoid the hidden weapons above. He is the most suitable person to inquire about news in the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals.

The next day, Nie Hong, the wolf king, ordered that three days later, preparations would be made for the wedding of the son-in-law and the princess.
All of a sudden, the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals became bustling with lights and festoons everywhere.

Huo Qilin proposed to let Princess Xiangxiang accompany him to stroll in the Valley of Ten Thousand Immortals. Princess Xiangxiang did not refuse, on the contrary she was very happy.

As the daughter of the wolf clan, Princess Xiangxiang is very happy to be able to marry into the Qilin clan. In addition, Huo Qilin is handsome and capable.

Princess Xiangxiang wants to marry him wholeheartedly now, and never thinks about Mr. Shangxuan who she wanted to marry before.

It's a pity that Huo Qilin sees her, don't mention it, he is about the same height as him, but he still makes a shy face towards him, God, it's really ugly.

He felt irritated just by looking at it, but fortunately, Chu Yunxi was always by his side talking with him, otherwise, he would have burst into anger a long time ago.

Chu Yunxi had asked Zhan Tianshu to find out the courtyard where the Demon Empress Li Zhu lived, so at this time, the route they took was to go to the place where the Demon Empress Li Zhu lived.

The demon queen Lizhu lived in the most secluded place in Wanxian Valley, and the wolf king Nie Hong, concubine Die, and their two sons and daughters lived in the same courtyard.

They were like a family, and the demon queen Li Zhu was completely out of their range.

Chu Yunxi was very surprised by this, but pretended not to know, and the group wandered all the way to the place where the demon queen Li Zhu was staying.

"That yard is quiet? Can we sit and sit?"

As soon as Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, Princess Xiangxiang smiled and agreed, "Okay."

But when she looked up, her expression changed slightly, she turned her head to look at Huo Qilin and said, "No, don't enter that place."

(End of this chapter)

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